Search Results for: calories


Can Going Low-Carb Keep Your Brain Young?

Ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets have been the rage for quite some time. But they might help you do more than just lose weight. According to some new research, cutting carbs might slow, or prevent, brain aging. Your brain requires about 20% of your body’s total energy stores to function properly. The energy comes from two here to read more

Is Salt Really the Enemy?

It’s quite possible that no seasoning gets a worse rap than salt. But why? Is it really that much of a risk to your health? I actually feel a bit bad for salt. It gets blamed for high blood pressure and heart attacks and has been vilified for years. What’s scary is that some people here to read more

Can Milk Choice Influence Aging?

Milk has a rather interesting standing when it comes to its place in a healthy diet. Some suggest it’s got a place, while others aren’t so sure. Perhaps more confusingly, both stances are backed by research. Two-percent fat cow’s milk is higher in calories than its one-percent or non-fat (skim) varieties. The fat comes from here to read more


Control Blood Sugar by Selective Eating

Being selective about what you eat takes on more importance when you’re diabetic. The difference between a right and wrong choice can have major consequences. But what does a healthy eating plan for a diabetic even look like? You might be surprised to learn that it doesn’t look very different from general dietary guidelines. Fruits, here to read more

Enjoying Christmas without the Food Guilt

For many, the holidays are centered on food. Turkey, stuffing, cranberry, Yule log, eggnog, and various spirits not only help liven up the season, but they practically hold it up. If you’re struggling with weight, high blood sugar, or high blood pressure, the season can be especially difficult. It’s tough when you have your health here to read more

The Nutrients You Need If You’re over 65

There’s no simple way to put this: your nutritional needs change with age. The change comes from a bunch of reasons. You might not have the same appetite, food doesn’t taste as good, you have trouble chewing, or it gives you a bout of indigestion. And even if you’re still eating the way you always here to read more

Ways to Avoid Losing Muscle Mass as You Age

It is inevitable that as we age, we lose muscle mass. Research has shown that starting around the age of 35, the loss of muscle begins. Although regular exercisers still lose muscle as they age, those who do not exercise at all can lose as much as five percent of their muscle every decade. Loss here to read more

Crafting a Healthy Coffee

It’s rich in antioxidants, water, and is associated with improved cognitive function, lower risk for neurodegenerative diseases, better mood, and anti-inflammatory effects. But is coffee healthy? It depends on who you are and what your overall lifestyle looks like. Like any other food or “superfood,” the benefits of coffee are purely contextual. In some cases, here to read more
