Search Results for: calories


Thanksgiving Superfoods: Add These to Your Shopping List

Thanksgiving won’t look the same this year. Although the familiar faces likely won’t be sitting around your table, you can bet the familiar foods will. It’s unfortunate that Thanksgiving dinner gets such a bad reputation. It really isn’t deserved. Most of the items that make up the super meal are actually healthy superfoods. Having a here to read more

Does This Liver Detox Trend Do Anything?

The liver detox trend is an amazing phenomenon. All-juice cleanses and detox diets have been all the rage the past few years. And recently, there’s been a new player on the scene: activated charcoal. Your liver is pretty resilient organ. It has to be—it’s responsible for filtering and metabolizing toxins and nutrients. If it were here to read more

Take This Approach to Reduce Sugar Intake

Change is hard… especially when you’re trying to eat less sugar. Let’s face it—the stuff tastes good. It might make virtually everything you enjoy taste a little better. That’s the whole point of it. It’s why it’s so hard to stop eating sugar. Sugar was supposed to be a treat—something you’d consume on occasion in here to read more

Can You Rescue an Ailing Heart?

If you’ve got coronary artery disease, you might feel like it’s inescapable; that it will be something that defines your life for eternity. But you can rescue your ailing heart. Coronary artery disease comes from the accumulation of cholesterol plaque along the arterial walls, a condition called atherosclerosis. The diseases make it difficult for blood here to read more

Leaky Gut? Try This

Ulcerative colitis is no joke. Neither are the benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. I know you’ve heard it before: fruits and vegetables are the superstars of virtually any diet. It’s true, though. Most of them are “superfoods” whether or not they all get recognized as such. And new research is showing here to read more


What to Do When Dieting Goes Wrong

People diet for a lot of reasons. Some for aesthetic purposes, while others are trying to get an existing health condition under control. But results often fizzle out, if they occur at all. So, what are you supposed to do? Stop dieting. Seriously. Diets can feel good at the start. Maybe you’ve decided to limit here to read more

Dietary Fat Goes to Work Fast on Your Brain

The type of fat you eat can almost immediately influence how your brain functions. New research shows that just one high-saturated fat meal can make an instant impact on concentration and potentially worsen the effects of other mental health ailments. The study looked at how 51 women performed on an attention test after eating a here to read more

4 Things to Focus on for Stronger Immune Function

Can you tell how healthy you are? Immune health is dependent on a number of factors. Sleep, fitness, diet, genetics, and more all play a role. And although you might only think about your immune system when you need it—like when you’re battling a cold—daily decisions contribute to its effect. The more you work on here to read more

It’s Been about a Month—How Are You Doing?

Depending on where you live, it’s been about a month since North America virtually shut down. Outside of “essential” workers, many people have been directed inside and might be starting to notice some weight gain. Some people I’ve talked to have put on 8 pounds. Others have put on half that, while some have stayed here to read more

A Little Help in Managing Inflammation

You can get plenty of information from the labels on your favorite foods. You can find out the calories, protein, fat, sugar, fiber, and sodium. But really, how much is it telling you about your overall health? Are your favorite healthy foods that good for you? That’s the question that a group of researchers tried here to read more
