Search Results for: smoking


Drinking is good… In moderation

Drinking alcohol—be it a couple of beers or a glass of wine—is generally considered a weekend or special occasion activity, but according to a new study, having a drink every day may help protect a person’s heart against disease. Yes, the beverage commonly associated with good times and drunken stupors may actually save lives, albeit here to read more

How to get rid of menopausal hot flashes

If you’re a woman in her 50s and are going through menopause, you may have experienced the dreaded hot flash, one of menopauses most common symptoms. A hot flash is a sudden feeling of intense heat, usually felt in the face, neck, and chest. These areas could turn red and you might sweat profusely, resulting in here to read more

Colon cancer prevention: It’s time to get screened

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and despite being the second leading cause of cancer death for both males and females in the United States, it doesn’t get talked about enough. As of 2010, colorectal cancer affects nearly one million people and accounts for about 715,000 deaths worldwide—up from the reported 490,000 in 1990. A here to read more

Age-related memory loss vs. dementia

There are times when we can’t remember where we placed our keys or the TV remote, or when we realize we have forgotten a person’s name. It can be embarrassing, and not something anyone would like to happen to them, especially in front of others. Being forgetful is usually synonymous with being old, as whenever here to read more

Is cholesterol a lipid?

The term lipid is commonly used in the health and wellness industry, but there are many people that don’t fully understand how important lipids can be to the functioning of the body. We begin by answering the simple question: Is cholesterol a lipid? Lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons. They make up the building blocks here to read more


Staying fit and healthy in your golden years

Staying fit and healthy can be difficult at any age, but it gets especially rough as we grow older. It is difficult to eat a balanced diet, get enough exercise, and to refrain from bad habits like smoking and fast food. Being part of the older and more experienced population may come with a greater here to read more

7 tips for a healthy mind

While we know how important it is to keep our body in shape, exercising our mind is just as important for preserving our brain’s health. So, how can we ensure our minds are getting the workout they need? Here are seven tips to help you keep your mind in shape. Seven tips for a healthier here to read more

Stop believing these common libido myths

There’s a lot of “Oh, I heard that…” when talking about libido, bedroom performance, or sex, especially in the old age. It seems that we hold on to so many different beliefs regarding sex that it is often hard to tell what is true and what’s a myth. Sometimes though, these myths can be very here to read more
