Search Results for: diabetes


More Praise for the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet should be on your radar if you want to keep blood sugar in check and lower the risk for type-2 diabetes. New research published in JAMA Network Open shows a Mediterranean style diet can impact diabetes risk. The study suggests a healthy diet can slash type-2 diabetes risk by 30% in obese here to read more

Vegan Diets Tied to Higher Bone Fracture Risk

People who follow a vegan diet are at a higher risk for bone fracture. According to a new study published in the journal BMC Medicine, compared with people who eat meat, vegans have a lower calcium and protein intake which contributes to a 43% higher risk of bone fracture. This is the first comprehensive study here to read more

A Few Tips to Help Manage Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be a dangerous condition, but it isn’t always the easiest to recognize. And according to some, men and women experience different symptoms. Aside from being closely associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes, sleep apnea can significantly impact how you feel every day. It can make you more irritable, here to read more

Help the Fight against Chronic Illness with Antioxidants

There is a common denominator for most common chronic illnesses: inflammation. Low grade, chronic inflammation to be precise. This type of inflammation is always there, running in the background. It makes your body less efficient by mounting an attack against itself. It can be very harmful and contribute to serious illness. For example, chronic illness here to read more


Daily Tips for Healthier Eyes

A lot of eye and vision problems can be prevented if you form healthy eye care habits. There are little things you do every day to limit the risk of eye troubles and maintain healthy vision. If you already have vision trouble, these practices may help it from worsening. Here are the best things you here to read more

Struggling with Painful Neuropathy? Nitric Oxide Might Help

One of the painful symptoms of diabetes is peripheral neuropathy. It’s the result of nerve damage and poor circulation. Nitric oxide may help support healthy circulation. Boosting nitric oxide, or NO, might help improve circulation, so your extremities get the oxygen and nutrients they need to function. Pain from neuropathy – common in people with here to read more

Popular Heartburn Drugs May Mess with Blood Sugar

Managing blood sugar seems easy from a theoretical standpoint: eating less of it and things should level out. But it’s not that easy. New research suggests another possible risk factor for high blood sugar and type-2 diabetes: popular antacids. In a large-scale review featuring over 200,000 participants, researchers found that regular use of proton-pump inhibitors here to read more

These Unassuming Super Foods Can Keep You Healthy

Clark Kent was a pretty average guy. Nothing special. But when he stepped into that phone booth and became Superman? Look out. There was almost nothing he couldn’t do. Superfoods are generally marketed like they are Superman, but the truth is that most of them are just like Clark Kent. Pretty average, to be honest. here to read more
