Search Results for: smoking


The one surgery you should not avoid

Cataracts are a vision problem that commonly occurs among older adults. They cause the lens to appear cloudy or fogged up. As a result, vision becomes impaired, making daily tasks much more challenging. Although cataracts affect your vision, they can be removed. Some people avoid this surgery because they are afraid, but aside from being here to read more

Simple lifestyle changes that add years to your life

When it comes to living a long life, the rules are quite simple. Researchers suggest that it takes three main things and lifestyle habits to promote a long life. These include not smoking, watching your weight, and continuously learning new things. The researchers also suggest that our genes play a role, too, when it comes here to read more

Is your lifestyle to blame for your tiredness?

Tiredness is becoming a serious problem all over the world. It seems that we are all just moving around this earth like sleep-deprived zombies. We’re working longer hours, we have greater responsibilities, and we just don’t get enough quality sleep. But is your lifestyle to blame for your tiredness? Well, for some of us, it here to read more

Why you should eat more yogurt

Yogurt is a delicious and healthy snack, along with being a great source of essential nutrients including protein and calcium. If you already enjoy yogurt regularly, kudos to you, research says you will most likely have stronger bones compared to someone who doesn’t eat it. The large observational study found that an increase in yogurt here to read more

Creaky knees: Causes, treatment, and exercises

Creaky knees are often described as a crunchy sound emanated when you bend at the knee joints. Sometimes, your knees may look puffy or swollen but it doesn’t present with pain. Our knees are used practically every day during movements like walking, running, jumping, and climbing. The more we bend our knees, the more we here to read more


Daily habits that can improve your heart

Ensuring your heart stays healthy isn’t a complicated task. In fact, on a daily basis, you are taking part in simple habits that go a long way in improving your heart health—you just don’t realize it. Aside from eating healthy and exercising regularly, there are many other simple-to-do daily habits that can keep your heart here to read more

The Healthy Truth: 30 day stair challenge

Dear Friends, Because fall has arrived and the weather has cooled down, it’s harder to stay motivated to hit the gym or work out. Even as a trainer myself, I recognize this challenge. That is why it’s important to find motivation and inspiration from unlikely places. This led me—and my coworker—to develop the 30-day stair here to read more

Why you should be eating more bananas

Unfortunately, heart disease still remains the number one killer in America, even though many of its risk factors are preventable. Not smoking, reducing stress, eating well, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and watching your cholesterol and blood pressure are all some preventable ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease. Specific to diet here to read more

The dangers of thirdhand smoke you didn’t know about

Firsthand smoke is smoking the cigarette yourself. Secondhand smoke is when you inhale someone else’s smoke who is smoking. So, what is thirdhand smoke? Well, thirdhand smoke (THS) is when you inhale smoke that is lingering on hair, clothing, and other materials left behind by a smoker. People don’t think that thirdhand smoke is dangerous, here to read more
