Search Results for: flu


Tips to Help You Cope with an Enlarged Prostate

It’s natural for your prostate to grow. Likely unbeknownst to you, a man’s prostate starts growing when he hits 25. It isn’t until much later, however, that it might begin to affect lifestyle. And it can be really stressful. Natural prostate growth is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A Harvard report suggests that 50-60 percent here to read more

What Can You Do to Keep Your Bladder Healthy?

You might take your trips to the bathroom for granted. You’ve been doing it your whole life, after all. But how do you know if you have a healthy bladder? Are there any signs associated with bladder health or things you can do to encourage better function? You bet there are. Like most other organs here to read more

A Clearer Picture of COVID-19 Immunity Emerges

It’s highly unlikely that you’ve had the same cold or flu twice. When you suffer through a seasonal illness, your body adapts and develops antibodies. It gets stronger during the fight and comes back differently. You’ve become immune to that particular strain. That theory has been the hope for people who’ve recovered from COVID-19. The here to read more

Balancing Immunity with Summer Fun

Doesn’t it seem a lot easier to keep a strong immune system in the summer? I would venture to suggest most people feel healthier in the summer. The warmer temperatures, the fresh air, and a cold and flu season that’s in the rearview mirror can all help people feel better. But things aren’t always as here to read more


Does Red Meat Age Arteries?

Red meat remains controversial. For a long time, it was viewed as a significant source of saturated fat that contributes to high cholesterol. Identified as a potential threat to heart health, it came under fire from several health experts. Opinions have changed more recently. Growing data indicates red meat derived cholesterol is neutral in the here to read more

Activity May Play a Role in Sleep Apnea Risk

Are you groggy and tired even though you think you’ve had a good sleep? If that’s the case, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common sleep-related breathing problem. It leaves sufferers unconsciously gasping for air during sleep, making it nearly impossible to achieve quality sleep. The condition is associated with high blood here to read more
