Search Results for: flu


The Potential Cause of Your Troublesome Gut

If you’ve been having indigestion recently and can’t figure out why, you are certainly not alone. It’s a stressful time of year, and that pressure has interesting ways of manifesting itself. There’s a lot going on right now. The pandemic is impacting people in countless ways, little of which are good. Toss in the holidays here to read more

Eating Fat to Stay Healthy?

Fat and immune health have an interesting relationship. Sometimes fat can work against immune strength—other times, it can bolster it. The first part of understanding how fat can influence health is distinguishing between body fat and dietary fat. High levels of body fat can cause inflammation and tax the immune system, making you more susceptible here to read more


How to Identify and Prevent Bladder Problems

You go to the bathroom multiple times per day, but do you ever really think about bladder health? Probably not. So, you might be asking yourself, “how do I know if I have a bladder infection?” There are a few telltale signs that something is wrong with your bladder. There are also ways to minimize here to read more

Habits That Help with Circulation

When your feet fall asleep, you might not think much of it. It may be annoying, but it is certainly not concerning. It also might be the only time you really think about circulation. Circulation is vital to your overall health. Your body is constantly circulating fluids throughout your body. Five quarts of blood move here to read more

Are You Worried about Low Testosterone?

Testosterone has been taking a bit of a hit in the news these days. Men appear more susceptible to COVID-19, and some are blaming potential immunosuppressive effects of the primary male sex hormone. What is the connection between testosterone and immune health? There is evidence showing that high testosterone can influence susceptibility to pathogens. Men here to read more

Study Shows Racket Sports May Worsen Knee Arthritis

For those who suffer from knee arthritis, some forms of exercise may worsen the condition. According to a new study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), racket sports such as tennis and racquetball have been found to accelerate knee joint degeneration in overweight people with osteoarthritis (OA). Osteoarthritis here to read more

Pain from Back Aches? These Moves Might Help

Estimates suggest roughly 80% of Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. For many, it can become a chronic condition that strips away functionality, enjoyment, and happiness. But what’s interesting is that much of the back pain people experience is not the result of acute injury. Some experience it from here to read more

The Great Calcium Challenge

The winter isn’t a great time for your bones. Add that to the fact you may not enjoy or even tolerate dairy, and you could fall short on calcium. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to get calcium without having to force down milk or yogurt. You are likely manufacturing far less vitamin D this here to read more
