Search Results for: weight loss


The Trendy Detox You Need to Avoid

With the season of booze and food behind us, we’re now in the season of detox and weight loss. If you’re like many of us, you probably overindulged during the holiday season and felt pretty crummy as a result. Detoxing might seem tempting, but is it safe? In particular, a very trendy type of detox here to read more

Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

After a long day, do you come home with heavy, tired legs? Is your ability to sleep halted because you experience restless leg syndrome? You may only think you’re merely overworking your legs, but these symptoms could be a sign of venous reflux disease. Venous reflux disease doesn’t always reveal itself in spider or varicose here to read more

6 Reasons to Eat Chocolate

The main reason you should eat chocolate? It’s downright delicious. But in case that wasn’t enough reason for you, we compiled together six health benefits which chocolate can provide that can help justify your chocolate addiction. Although it is true that chocolate contains sugar and should be consumed in moderation, if you stick with the here to read more

6 Signs Your Hormones Are Unbalanced

When our hormones are well balanced, our body can work in harmony, but even the slightest imbalance can start presenting changes in health and symptoms. Throughout our lives there are several times when our hormone levels change such as puberty and menopause. During these life stages, we experience changes. Although changing hormones can be a here to read more


6 Ways Your Digestion Affects Your Overall Health

If you’re suffering from bloating, cramping, constipation, or diarrhea, you probably believe you have a digestion problem. But the human body is all connected so you don’t just have a digestion problem, in fact, your digestion can affect other areas of your health. Here are six ways that poor digestion and digestion problems can affect here to read more

Osteoarthritis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Over 30 million adults in the United States suffer from arthritis, including osteoarthritis. While all experience some level of pain and stiffness, an osteoarthritis diet may help their symptoms. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It happens when cartilage in the joints breaks down. The majority of people who suffer from OA here to read more

5 Reasons to Eat Taro Root

You may have seen more taro root in supermarkets and even in beverages, but maybe you aren’t quite sure what it is or how to even enjoy it. First off, taro root is a starchy root vegetable originating in Asia. When cooked, taro has a slightly sweet taste and a texture similar to a potato. here to read more

Gallbladder pain: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

What is gallbladder pain? Gallbladder pain is a term used to describe pain originating from the structures in or around the gallbladder that affects its function. This may include conditions such as biliary colic, cholecystitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, and ascending cholangitis. The gallbladder is a structure connected to the liver, which supplies it with bile—a yellowish-brown here to read more

The Surprising Cause of Joint Pain You Don’t Know About

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Living with UC can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and increased abdominal sounds. Other symptoms may include fever, weight loss, rectal pain, and bloody stools. But research findings now suggest that UC patients have a higher risk of experiencing swollen here to read more
