Search Results for: Health


Fiber Might Be the Fix for Your Stroke Risk

Eat more fiber and experience a lower risk for stroke. That seems to be the result of a recently published study. It looks like the more fiber a person eats each day, the less likely they are to experience an ischemic stroke. For every 10 grams of fiber a person eats, it could slash their here to read more

Western Diet Consumption Can Lead to Skin Inflammation

Research recently published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology suggests that a Western diet may lead to skin inflammation and the development of psoriasis. Previous studies had suggested that obesity itself was the main risk factor for the development or worsening of psoriasis. The study is the first to show the connection between a Western here to read more

Spices for Circulation

There are a lot of reasons why you should care about blood circulation. Poor circulation can lead pain, cramps, cold hands and feet, digestive troubles, and more. It may even signify potential heart problems or speed up issues like dementia. When nutrient-rich oxygenated blood is having trouble spreading throughout your body, serious problems can arise. here to read more

Beat Stress by Practicing Self Compassion

We all make mistakes; some people are just better at dealing with them. If you beat yourself up over a lost job, an argument with a loved one, or blame yourself for a major loss, the stress could be harming your health and wellbeing. When things go wrong, it can hurt. But if you can’t here to read more


Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Statin Associated With Muscle Pain

Muscle pain is a common complaint in patients who take statins to lower blood cholesterol levels. However, the connection between the two is still largely unresolved. This is the reason why pharmaceutical scientists Alexandra K. Kiemer and Jessica Hoppstädter from Saarland University set out to identify a potential relationship. The study published in The FASEB Journal showed that statins here to read more

Another Big Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet

Gut health can be exhausting. Prebiotics, probiotics, fermented this, fiber that—it’s a lot. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a diet that took care of all of that for you? Well, there is. You’re probably familiar with it, too. New research has just added another notch onto the belt of the Mediterranean diet—gut health. here to read more

Is Salt Really the Enemy?

It’s quite possible that no seasoning gets a worse rap than salt. But why? Is it really that much of a risk to your health? I actually feel a bit bad for salt. It gets blamed for high blood pressure and heart attacks and has been vilified for years. What’s scary is that some people here to read more

Do You Have Enough of This Bone-Boosting Hormone?

You need strong bones if you want to prevent falls and fractures. You especially need them if you don’t want to live with the risk and pain of osteoporosis. Of course, you might think you’re on the path to prevention. Maybe you’re lifting weights and getting exercise. You’re eating protein and a diverse, balanced diet here to read more
