Search Results for: oil


Can You Reverse Hearing Loss?

If you’ve had trouble hearing, you might be asking yourself, “can I reverse hearing loss?” The answer is not particularly clear cut. Hearing loss can be a significant frustration and reduce the quality of life. It can also be scary. Poor hearing is associated with isolation, depression, and other symptoms that you ultimately don’t want. here to read more

Polyphenols for Prostate Health

So, you’re up at night with the urge to pee, but when you get to the toilet, all you release are a few dribbles. It can leave you feeling powerless. When an enlarged prostate is controlling your life, using any means necessary to manage its inconvenience is all you can do. A bowl of grapes here to read more

Why Is Urine Leaking When I Cough?

The likelihood of experiencing bladder control problems increases with age. Also called urinary incontinence, it can be very frustrating, degrading, and have a significant impact on your quality of life. But why does it happen? It can have different causes in women and men. In men, the primary cause is BPH, or benign prostate hyperplasia. here to read more

Kick This Habit If You’re Trying to Manage BPH

I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who just love drinking. I’m not talking about booze, either—just drinks in general. Coffee, water, and tea are staples. Sometimes I’ll treat myself to a cold beer, glass of wine, or lemonade. Either way, I’ve pretty much got a mug, glass, bottle, or can here to read more


Reverse Your Brain Age with These Foods

They’re right when they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Why aren’t more people thinking about it when they eat? Your brain age is affected by the food choices you make. Certain things can enhance and extend memory, while others can speed up its decline. In some cases, food choices can turn here to read more

Tips to Help You Cope with an Enlarged Prostate

It’s natural for your prostate to grow. Likely unbeknownst to you, a man’s prostate starts growing when he hits 25. It isn’t until much later, however, that it might begin to affect lifestyle. And it can be really stressful. Natural prostate growth is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A Harvard report suggests that 50-60 percent here to read more

Does Red Meat Age Arteries?

Red meat remains controversial. For a long time, it was viewed as a significant source of saturated fat that contributes to high cholesterol. Identified as a potential threat to heart health, it came under fire from several health experts. Opinions have changed more recently. Growing data indicates red meat derived cholesterol is neutral in the here to read more

Vitamin K May Add Longevity by Keeping Veins Healthy

New research has found that vitamin K, a fat-soluble nutrient found in leafy greens and some vegetable oils, may promote longevity by encouraging vein health. Vitamin K doesn’t get too much shine. That’s largely because you’re always being reminded to eat your leafy greens. It’s abundant in greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce, so if here to read more
