Search Results for: Health


Staying Fueled up So Your Body Can Do Its Job

It’s no surprise that most people feel aging. Regardless of the shape you’re in, you may notice that you lack the energy you once had. And that’s completely normal. Even if you’ve lived a healthy lifestyle, you can’t expect everything to keep running perfectly. For example, as a person ages, they don’t absorb, utilize, or here to read more

The Unexpected Price of Working from Home

You may have been working from home for the past year. And although you might miss certain offerings of the office, working from home certainly has its perks. But it doesn’t come with a free ergonomic chair. For many, the home office is set up at the kitchen table, counter, or sofa. None of that here to read more

Collagen Supplementation: Hype or Helpful?

Collagen supplementation, and its various forms, has been exploding in popularity recently. But is it all hype, or can it really help you look and feel younger? So far, the scientific data is fairly limited. However, it is promising. Several small studies show that collagen supplementation may have the potential to strengthen joints and improve here to read more

The Risks of Springing Forward

You might feel a little extra groggy this morning. Your alarm’s going to be ringing at 7 am, but as far as your body knows, it’s still an hour earlier. The joys of daylight savings time. But aside from the grogginess and general confusion resulting from hitting the fast-forward button on time, some real dangers here to read more


Add Bulk to Beat Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis can be excruciatingly painful. But adding some bulk to your diet may help tame symptoms and stop them from occurring. It’s possible that bulk may prevent diverticulitis from ever affecting you. What’s bulk? The one and only fiber. Diverticulitis is when little pouches that grow along your intestines – called diverticula – become infected here to read more

Beat High Blood Pressure One Step as at a Time

Lowering high blood pressure can be intimidating. It may involve changing your diet, piling on exercise, or other measures that can leave you wondering how you’re ever going to do it. The answer is one step at a time. Literally. The most significant barriers to exercise are time constraints and fear. But the truth is here to read more

So You’ve Had Your COVID-19 Vaccine. Now What?

You, like many, may have been champing at the bit for a COVID-19 vaccine. Perhaps now you’ve had both shots and are feeling energized about moving forward with your life. But how fast should you move? At this point, very slowly. In fact, you should continue to behave like you’re unvaccinated and closely follow all here to read more

Do You Have A Fatty Liver?

Everybody has those frustrating areas where no matter what you do, the fat just won’t disappear. It could be your arms, your sides, or your chin. Of course, you can see that so you know it’s there. Further, the fat on your chin or your arms isn’t really harmful to your health. The fat around here to read more
