Search Results for: flu


Study Finds Good Hydration May Slow Down Aging

Do you know that hydration could hold the key to healthy aging? As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity, and wrinkles become more visible. But drinking water can actually help increase your body’s natural ability to reduce signs of aging and keep you feeling refreshed. While many people know that staying properly hydrated here to read more

New Study Links Gut Bacteria to Depression

You might feel depression in the brain, but it could begin, or at least be impacted by, your gut. There is plenty of research looking at how the microbiome, which is the population of microorganisms, or bacteria, that reside in your digestive system, can impact health. Trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms live in your here to read more

Commonly Used Sweetener Found Linked to Anxiety: Study

Aspartame, the commonly used artificial sweetener found in countless food and beverage products, has been linked to significant mental health impacts, including anxiety. Many of us have grown up with it being part of our diets, but recent research has connected its consumption to mental health issues. Our casual choice to enjoy sugar-free drinks or here to read more


Try Dry Brushing to Improve Circulation

If you’re looking to improve circulation and also boost your skin and mood, dry brushing could be worthwhile. Dry brushing involves giving yourself a short, daily massage with a dry, stiff-bristled brush. Brushing your skin can help get the blood moving in a similar way to massage. By stimulating different areas in the skin and here to read more

Exercising Can Help People Struggling to Sleep: Study

Many people struggle to sleep at night, but new research suggests that exercise may help. Researchers have found that exercising regularly can help people fall asleep and stay asleep, even if they struggle with insomnia. So, if you’re having trouble sleeping, try hitting the gym or taking a walk before bedtime – you may be here to read more
