Search Results for: Health


Improving Blood Flow May Help with Pain Relief

If you’re experiencing some pain in your back, knee, or arms, you might not have to worry or reach for a Tylenol. Instead, you might want to think about getting your blood moving. Sometimes a lack of circulation is a contributor to joint pain. Blood flow helps relax joints and reduce stiffness, thereby contributing to here to read more

Eat More of These If You’re Concerned about Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the leading contributors to high blood pressure and heart disease. The problem is that people don’t seem to understand it. There are two types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, and high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. LDL is considered “bad” cholesterol, whereas HDL is “good.” The difference is that one type here to read more

Race and Location Are Key Indicators of Severe Diabetes Outcomes

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to severe outcomes like amputations. Although the medical community might distinguish between “minor” and “major” amputations, losing a limb to diabetes is a major loss no matter what. A recent study published in Diabetes Care highlighted that minor amputations relating to diabetes have been increasing since 2009. A minor amputation is here to read more


Six-Month Exercise Program Helps Maintain Normal Heart Rhythm in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

For patients with atrial fibrillation, a new exercise program has been found to help restore normal heart rhythm. This specialized six-month exercise program was presented at ESC Congress 2021. This exciting new lifestyle treatment suggests that some patients can control their arrhythmia through physical activity, eliminating the need for complex interventions such as medications or here to read more

Key Mental Abilities Can Improve during Aging: Study

Aging has long been linked to a decline in mental health and abilities, but new research from Georgetown University Medical Center is shedding new light on the subject. The findings of the new study published in Nature Human Behavior show that two key brain functions can improve in older adults. These brain functions allow new here to read more

Study Adds Some Science to the 20-Secomd Rule

Unless you were really concerned about viruses and bacteria prior to the pandemic, you may have never head of the 20-second rule. Basically, the rule suggests washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water to adequately remove any viruses or bacteria that may have hitched a ride. They might have jumped on when here to read more

Want to Reduce Anxiety? Scale Back on Social Media

Maybe you opened a Facebook account with good intentions. It would let you keep up to date with photos of your grandkids, and check up on some old friends. But things change. These days, Facebook seems less about positive connections and more about churning out anxiety. A 2015 study showed a clear association between social here to read more
