Search Results for: calories


Mitochondrial gene linked to obesity

Obesity affects more than one in three adults. This is currently a real problem in the United States, as people with weight issues are more likely to suffer from various health conditions that inevitably drive up health care costs. It has long been assumed that overweight people simply consume more calories than they burn off, here to read more

This is the best diet for your liver and blood pressure

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a popular diet aimed at controlling high blood pressure. But many patients with high blood pressure also have cholesterol and blood sugar problems, known as metabolic syndrome. Therefore, the DASH diet can go a long way in controlling these other areas too. Another common element is that those here to read more

Gallbladder sludge diet and home remedies

Gallbladder or biliary sludge is a mixture of small particle solids that accumulate from bile, a fluid stored in the gallbladder that helps in the process of digestion. This sludge can cause severe pain and discomfort to those affected. These symptoms may resemble gallstone symptoms, but gallbladder sludge is thickened bile that has remained in here to read more


Boost brain power with this one thing

In previous e-mails, we told you about the benefits of sex, which include burning calories, reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing intimacy, and improving your mood. Well, you can now add boosting brain power to that list too, according to latest research findings. Researchers of the study published in The Journals of Gerontology found that regular here to read more

This is why you gain weight as you age

If you’re over the age of 40 or 50, you may have noticed that your weight is much harder to maintain. You put it on much easier and it is far more difficult to lose. We blame it on getting older or poor diet choices and lack of exercise, but women specifically have their hormones here to read more

Low triglycerides: Causes and symptoms

To understand low triglycerides, it’s important to understand what triglycerides are in general. Triglycerides are a type of fat converted from any excess calories we do not immediately use. Mainly derived from fat and carbohydrates we eat, triglyceride stocks are used for energy in-between the meals, but when we take in more than we burn, here to read more

Chronic fatigue syndrome diet: Foods to eat and avoid

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder that is characterized by extreme fatigue not attributed to any underlying condition. The fatigue experienced by those affected is often worsened with additional physical or mental activity and is not improved with rest. CFS also goes by the name myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and systemic intolerance disease (SEID). However, here to read more

10 reasons you should drink your water hot

Many of us reach for coffee or tea first thing in the morning, but you may want to switch up your morning drink of choice to hot water. Not to discredit coffee or tea, but many of us drink these beverages with added sugar or cream, making them less healthy. Drinking simple hot water instead here to read more
