Search Results for: flu


Effects of smoking on cholesterol levels

Smoking can negatively impact your health in many different ways, including cholesterol. Having high cholesterol levels and smoking can be a dangerous combination for your heart. Your risk of a heart attack and stroke rises significantly if both these factors apply to you. Smoking damages your arteries and blood vessels, increasing the risk of cholesterol here to read more

What causes watery eyes (epiphora)?

Watery eyes – also known as epiphora – is a common condition, though commonly misunderstood. Basically, epiphora means an overflow of tears, often without a particular reason. While tears normally drain through the nasolacrimal system, if there is insufficient tear film drainage from the eyes, the tears overflow onto the face. Epiphora can occur at here to read more

Weekly health news roundup: Diverticulitis, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, LDL cholesterol, ulcerative colitis

This week, we present our recent health articles on diverticulitis, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, LDL cholesterol, and ulcerative colitis. We looked at the impact of alcohol on diverticulitis, treating tinnitus with hearing aids, causes of Meniere’s disease, and lowering LDL cholesterol though the Nordic diet. Diverticulitis and the impact of alcohol affects the way a person here to read more

Kidney cysts – causes, symptoms, and natural treatment

Unlike kidney stones, which are solid stone-like forms, kidney cysts are fluid-filled pouches. Although a kidney cyst is generally non-cancerous and harmless, some of them can be associated with kidney disorders which can lead to complications. There are two different types of kidney cyst: polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and simple kidney cysts. PKD is a genetic disorder here to read more


In thyroid eye disease patients, researchers identified new underlying mechanisms of proptosis (bulging of the eyes)

The thyroid can contribute to thyroid eye diseases including proptosis which causes bulging of the eyes. Researchers at the Schepens Eye Research Institute of Massachusetts Eye and Ear have identified new underlying mechanisms of proptosis. The researchers described vascular growth factors that cause abnormal proliferation of blood vessels which may contribute to proptosis. The findings here to read more

Puffy eyes causes, symptoms, and treatment

Puffy eyes, or bags under the eyes, can occur for numerous reasons, and can even be hereditary. Puffy eyes are commonly associated with weakening of the muscles supporting the eyelids brought on by aging. As a result, fat that supports the eyes moves to the lower eyelids, making them look puffy. Fluid may also accumulate here to read more

Natural remedies and diet for Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that leads to attacks of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss (which can progress into permanent), tinnitus, and the feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears. Meniere’s disease mainly affects one ear rather than both. The onset of Meniere’s disease usually takes place between the ages of 20 and here to read more

Causes of low HDL cholesterol levels

HDL cholesterol is known as the good type of cholesterol, as it clears up LDL (bad) cholesterol and works to lower your risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. When HDL cholesterol is low, your heart disease risk goes up because of LDL cholesterol buildup in the arteries, which makes them stiff and clogged, here to read more

Risk of early death goes up because of this

When we talk about women’s health, we almost inevitably touch upon the subject of menopause. Although many women may be relieved they don’t have to experience their monthly period any longer, menopause comes with its own set of unpleasant symptoms, too. And hot flashes, night sweats, and hormonal fluctuations aside, menopause is also believed to here to read more
