
Category Archives: General Health

Natural remedies for eczema

Skin is meant to be smooth and radiant, not itchy, blotchy or red. When our skin doesn’t look its best, we don’t feel our best, and we become embarrassed and avoid public settings or wearing certain articles of clothing to cover up. There are many skin conditions which can rob us of our confidence – here to read more

The technique to combat stress

We all experience stress – some more than others. Although stress is a normal response, over the long-term it can have detrimental effects on your health. Combating stress is important; it can help improve your health and the stressful situation. Stress can affect the body in numerous ways by contributing to or causing anxiety, depression, here to read more

Facts about sinus headaches

Nobody enjoys a headache. The constant pounding in your head is enough to make you go crazy! There are many reasons why people develop headaches: stress, eye strain and even being hungover. Headaches can sometimes affect more than just your head, like in the case of sinus headaches. Sinus headaches are commonly mistaken with sinusitis here to read more

The other health problem sugar puts you at risk for

The popular criticisms against sugar center on weight gain and diabetes. But there’s new research to indicate that sugar can have adverse effects on our mental health, too. Sugar consumption linked with depression Researchers from Columbia University looked to examine the effects of food on mood, in particular carbohydrates and added sugar. Researchers examined data here to read more

Fact or myth: Common medical myths busted

Whether it’s an old wives’ tale, or information that spreads through the grapevine, there are many “facts” out there in regards to the medical world which frankly, just aren’t true. The problem arises when we use these myths as facts and start to believe them. Not only can believing myths affect our health, but we here to read more


Facts about different types of ulcers

Ulcers are not limited to the stomach; in fact they can occur anywhere from the digestive tract, to the legs and feet. While stress is a common factor with ulcers, there are other risks to consider. Ulcers are a wound or open sore that is difficult to heal or is reoccurring. Ulcers can be painful here to read more

The link between mental and physical fatigue

When we have been physically active, we can experience fatigue afterwards – this is a no-brainer. In other words, it stands to reason that our muscles become weaker; we are tired and perhaps even irritable. However, mental activity can also have a big impact on our level of fatigue. While physical fatigue and mental fatigue here to read more

Spice up your food for longer life

Some of us like it hot and spicy – food wise that is. In many cultures, spices bring the heat to a number of cuisines. If you already enjoy spicy foods, great, if not, you could be missing out on a great benefit. New research suggests adding spice to your food can contribute to a here to read more

Facts about anosmia

What’s that smell? Whether it’s something that evokes a warm happy feeling like freshly baked bread, or the less than appealing garbage truck passing by, our nose knows. But if you suffer from anosmia, it’s unlikely you’d be able to pick up the scents. Anosmia is the inability to smell. Smell is just one part here to read more

What are phobias?

We all have that one, or maybe two things that we are afraid of. Fear is a normal emotional response. Phobias, on the other hand, are far more intense than fear. This fear is often called irrational, and sometimes obsessive. It can affect a person so much that depending on the phobia, they may not here to read more

Want a healthy liver? Avoid this…

We all know that alcohol is bad for our livers but we rarely take the opportunity to explore why. Overall, alcohol is bad for your body, but your liver gets hit first. Here’s what happens when alcohol sucker punches your liver. Why alcohol harms the liver Alcohol is made primarily from ethanol, which your liver here to read more