Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


4 factors which contribute to bone loss

Bone loss, and more specifically osteoporosis, is often identified as a female health problem, but men are not immune to losing bone density. There are many factors which can contribute to bone loss, so practicing bone-boosting habits is essential, especially as you age. Bones are composed of minerals, the most predominant being calcium. The body here to read more

Side effects of junk food

Time and time again we hail, praise and highly recommend healthy eating – but always for good reason! You see, over time junk food severely harms your body in more ways than one. Sure, you probably heard that junk food is bad, but exactly how bad is it? Well, that is why we are here here to read more


The technique to combat stress

We all experience stress – some more than others. Although stress is a normal response, over the long-term it can have detrimental effects on your health. Combating stress is important; it can help improve your health and the stressful situation. Stress can affect the body in numerous ways by contributing to or causing anxiety, depression, here to read more

Eat this, boost energy

Our energy levels really set the tone for the day ahead. When we are tired and sluggish we don’t really feel like completing daily tasks or even leaving the house. Heck, sometimes you might feel your energy levels are too low to get up and grab some food. And food can play a large role here to read more

The other health problem sugar puts you at risk for

The popular criticisms against sugar center on weight gain and diabetes. But there’s new research to indicate that sugar can have adverse effects on our mental health, too. Sugar consumption linked with depression Researchers from Columbia University looked to examine the effects of food on mood, in particular carbohydrates and added sugar. Researchers examined data here to read more

Fact or myth: Common medical myths busted

Whether it’s an old wives’ tale, or information that spreads through the grapevine, there are many “facts” out there in regards to the medical world which frankly, just aren’t true. The problem arises when we use these myths as facts and start to believe them. Not only can believing myths affect our health, but we here to read more
