
Mind Over Matter: Does Organic Taste Better?

Organic food could be the answer to healthier eating. After all, it has strict standards — no genetically modified organisms (GMOs), no toxic pesticides or chemicals, nothing artificial, nothing can be irradiated or grown in sewage sludge — and the certification process is rigorous. But does organic food actually taste better? Proponents of organic would say here to read more

7 Ways Women Harm Their Health EVERYDAY

Without a doubt, far more women approach me with questions about how to improve their health than men do. Whether it’s to look better, feel better, or improve the wellbeing of their family, I’ve watched several of my female patients diligently perform a complete lifestyle make-over in the interest of improving their health, often dragging here to read more

3 Toxic Foods You Would Never Expect

There are many foods that might trigger thoughts of incredible stomach upset, sickness or worse. Undercooked and expired food may give you a bit of a gag to think about, and these are the sorts of foods that are household names that you should be careful consuming. Chicken that isn’t cooked properly for one. We here to read more