blurred vision

Drivers with cataracts, blurred vision pose risk to pedestrians at night despite passing the standard vision test: Study

Drivers with cataracts and blurred vision pose a risk to pedestrians at night even if they have passed the standard vision test. The study found that cataracts and blurred vision severely reduce driver’s ability to recognize pedestrians – despite passing the driving test. Study author Joanne Wood said, “Optical blur and cataracts are very common here to read more

Blurred vision: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Blurred vision can be due to a number of reasons. For some, blurred vision is a temporary symptom, and for others, it may turn into a chronic condition. Understanding the cause of your blurred vision is important for proper management of the condition and your own convenience. Blurred vision is the loss of vision sharpness. here to read more

Alternatives to Uncomfortable Eye Surgeries

Millions of North Americans suffer from eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cornea degeneration. Some patients quickly turn to surgery to address their deteriorating eye health, yet there are alternatives to operating. Our eyes have a lens that is clear, like a window that has just been carefully cleaned but if that here to read more

The Effect of Antibiotics on Eye Health

Antibiotics are generally regarded as anti-bacterial medications that are expected to prevent further infection and thus improve health.  There are different types of antibiotics that are now available in the market, each specifically administered for a particular infection in the body.  For example, cefalexin is generally administered for upper respiratory tract infections, including that of here to read more