heart palpitations

How to stop heart palpitations? Are they dangerous?

Heart palpitations could be caused by a number of different factors, but if you’re wondering how to stop heart palpitations, well, we have some tips for you. Heart palpitations can be a result of external stimulants, psychological factors, and hormonal or biological conditions. More specific causes of heart palpitations include thyroid conditions, anemia, strenuous exercise, ...click here to read more

Facts about heart palpitations

In a healthy adult, the heart should average between 60 to 100 beats per minute. Factors which determine heart rate are activity level, exertion of the body and even stress levels. Throughout the day our heartbeats may quicken or slow; this is knows as heart palpitations. Heart palpations can be harmless and merely a response ...click here to read more

Heart Disease Warning Signs You Need to Watch for

Most people know the common warning signs of an impending heart attack including: chest pain/discomfort, upper body discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, and unexplained extreme fatigue.  However, there are some warning sign of underlying heart disease (which could lead to a heart attack) that might not be obvious to most people. Heart disease is one ...click here to read more