heart attack

Meditation for Your Heart Health

According to The Office of Minority Health, African Americans are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure when compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart attack, among other cardiovascular diseases. Suffering a heart attack can be a devastating event in ones’ life, it can possibly be ...click here to read more

New Study Supports Chocolate for Heart Health

If you’re looking for another reason to add dark chocolate to the list of heart healthy foods that you should consume for good health, you may be excited by recent research from Australia. The researchers of the study, published in BMJ, found that the benefits of dark chocolate consumption can be beneficial in reducing the ...click here to read more

Can Marriage Lower Your Heart Attack Risk?

Heart disease is one of the most common chronic illnesses that affect adults. It is generally characterized by blockage of the vascular tissues of the heart, such as the arteries and veins. The blockage is often caused by fatty deposits that have accumulated in these vascular tissues, making it harder for the heart to deliver ...click here to read more

Heart Disease Warning Signs You Need to Watch for

Most people know the common warning signs of an impending heart attack including: chest pain/discomfort, upper body discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, and unexplained extreme fatigue.  However, there are some warning sign of underlying heart disease (which could lead to a heart attack) that might not be obvious to most people. Heart disease is one ...click here to read more

Magnesium Slashes the Risk of Stroke

A stroke is defined as the sudden death of brain cells caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain. It is estimated that there are between 40,000 and 50,000 stokes in Canada every year. Sadly, 16,000 of those unfortunate individuals are not lucky enough to survive the stroke; making stroke-related deaths far more numerous than ...click here to read more

How Citrus Fruit Could Save Your Life

As we grow older, a number of changes occur in our bodies, resulting in an increased risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.  The most common age-related changes include increase in weight, blood pressure, and glucose levels.  If we are not too cautious about our health, especially with regard to cardiac care or ...click here to read more

Stem Cells to Heal Heart Attack Damage

During a heart attack, what exactly happens inside your body? Patients who have suffered a heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, would describe this as a sudden pain in the chest, coupled with a difficulty in breathing. This condition is very serious because the heart does not receive enough blood and as a ...click here to read more

7 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a wax like substance that is present in the cell walls throughout your body. When serum cholesterol levels are in a healthy range, cholesterol is actually health-supporting. However, if your cholesterol levels get too high, your risk for atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and even cardiac death vastly increase. Luckily, nature has provided us ...click here to read more

Surviving a Heart Attack

If you were suddenly having a heart attack or stroke, would you know what to do? Each year, roughly 70,000 Canadians have a heart attack – that’s one heart attack every 7 minutes. And every 10 minutes, someone has a stroke. In fact, heart disease and stroke are two of the top three leading causes ...click here to read more

5 Signs You are Having a Heart Attack

Do you know the signs that could mean that you’re having a heart attack? Heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, is the leading cause of death for individuals over 40 years of age. The good news…there are excellent treatment options for heart attacks.  These treatments work best if they are given right after symptoms ...click here to read more

Sexual Activity Deemed Safe for Heart Patients

People with heart conditions are often fearful of physical exertion; worried that their activities could trigger a heart attack or death. Many patients go as far as to avoid sexual activity. Now a health report says sex is safe. According to a statement released by the American Heart Association, if a patient is able to ...click here to read more