Search Results for: oil


How to recover from a stroke quickly and naturally

Strokes can be really frightening and recovery after one can be a lengthy process. Many patients and their family members are anxious to learn how to recover from a stroke quickly and without complications. It can be overwhelming when someone who is physically and socially active suddenly loses the ability to walk and talk clearly. here to read more

Eat like this for a healthy heart

There are few basic principles to a healthy heart: don’t smoke, reduce stress, exercise, and eat healthy. Easy, right? Well, these fundamentals of heart health may be simple, but heart disease continues to be America’s number one killer. Obesity rates are rising, Americans are living sedentary lifestyles, and we are more stressed than ever, working here to read more

8 superfood swaps to eat healthy on a budget

It’s often assumed that eating healthy costs a lot of money, meaning if you can’t afford big-name superfoods you end up buying cheaper fast food to satisfy your hunger. Unfortunately, as you know, not eating well can contribute to various health repercussions. There are many “superfoods” out there that health experts have advocated for. But here to read more


Does your liver need to go on a diet?

If you don’t drink alcohol then you may think that your liver is not in danger. Unfortunately, you’d be very wrong. This is because the type of liver disease that is growing in prevalence has nothing to do with alcohol. In fact, it has to do with fat. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) rates are here to read more

5 food groups to feed your brain

A new restaurant has opened in New York City that is taking the idea of “brain food” to the next level. The eatery consulted and went into business with Dr. Alon Seifan – a neurologist specializing in aging and dementia – and serves up meals that consist of only five food groups: fruits, vegetables, legumes, here to read more

Eat your way to lower cholesterol

Lowering your cholesterol is a good way to support your heart health, but what is the best way to go about doing it? While jumping on an extreme diet may not be reasonable, research from Harvard Medical School suggests that making a few changes to your diet may be enough to help naturally lower your here to read more

Endometriosis diet: Foods to eat and avoid

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs in women where the tissue outside of the womb in the pelvic area begins to thicken and breakdown, mimicking the behavior of tissues within the womb. While there is no known cure for endometriosis, there are ways of managing symptoms that make living with this condition easier. One way here to read more
