Search Results for: weight loss


Aspartame vs. Sugar – Is One Any Better?

If you’re focused on weight loss, counting calories may be something that you’re familiar with. In an effort to limit calories, most people cut out fast food and junk food. Many people turn to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame instead of sugar as another way to reduce calories. Which is better – sugar or aspartame? here to read more

Health benefits of quinoa (keen-wah!)

The buzz surrounding quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Quinoa has been hailed a superfood and for good reason, too. Its high protein and fiber content, along with being gluten-free, has given it quite the star power. What is quinoa? Quinoa, botanically speaking, closely resembles beets and spinach. Often referred to as here to read more

Top 10 common digestive problems in America

When we discuss digestion problems we usually only talk about two things: The stomach and our bowel movements. Either there’s a rumble in our stomach, or we can’t go or go too often. But frankly, our digestive system encompasses a lot more than just our stomach and eliminating the waste from what we eat. Digestive here to read more

Plum health benefits: Naturally sweet nutrition

Warmer weather brings in-season fruits and vegetables – and trips to your local farmer’s market are a must. Fruits, in particular, are an integral part of a healthy diet and when they are in season they are that much easier to enjoy. One fruit you should be eating more of is the humble and delicious here to read more

Are Americans eating too much protein?

Our diet requires a few simple things: Fat, carbohydrates and protein. In a perfect balance you’ll feel great, energized and receive all the essential vitamins and minerals. But when we don’t eat in balance, having too much protein for example, is when our bodies can go awry. Protein, found in many food groups and high here to read more

Turning 50? You could be at risk for diabetes

Getting older has its pluses – life experience, wisdom, longstanding relationships. Our senior years can be fulfilling ones. But the other side of that coin is we’re more prone to chronic disease because of our aging bodies. There’s the wear and tear of time, and the cumulative result of not-so-healthy habits we may have followed here to read more

Natural healing for thyroid disorders

Noticing how tired you are, the extra weight you’ve put on for no apparent reason, and your hair seems thin and dry? These are just a few of the many problems a slowdown in the output of the thyroid gland can cause. The older you get, especially for women, the more likely you are to here to read more


Why Sleeping Beauty has better brain health

Remember the tale of the young princess who pricks her finger on a spindle only to fall into a deep sleep that can’t be awoken until she is kissed by her true love? Although the story involves fairy godmothers, witches and kingdoms, that princess was greatly improving her brain health while in her deep sleep. here to read more

Top 10 reasons to eat walnuts every day

This is it. I’m committed. I’m going to start eating walnuts every day. Raw, maybe some days roasted or soaked walnuts, but definitely minus the salt. That’s because, as you’re about to find out, the top health benefits of eating walnuts daily are far too convincing for me to keep munching on almonds or pistachios here to read more

10 Health benefits of drinking lime juice

Key lime pie and margaritas! If that’s all lime was used for it would still be invaluable. But this zesty tropical fruit is consumed throughout the world in the form of beverages, refreshing cocktails, pickles, jams, snacks, and in cooking. The oil extracted from its peel is used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetic here to read more

Effective natural remedies for diabetes

Diabetes is a disease where there is excess sugar in the blood. But why is it there and what can you do about it? Before we look at natural remedies for diabetes and effective tips for avoiding diabetes, let’s discuss why sugar is such a big deal – and why our body needs to be here to read more

Best natural home remedies for ulcers

Frequent stomach upset and nausea? Could be a stomach ulcer, also known as a peptic ulcer –those open sores that can develop in the lining of your esophagus, stomach or small intestine. How to get rid of ulcers or find ulcer pain relief? You first need to pinpoint the cause and then consider some home here to read more
