Search Results for: oil


10 foods you need to throw away right now

The health food industry is booming right now, as endless products claiming to be healthy are hitting shelves. Unfortunately, many of these products are actually not-so-healthy but are disguising themselves as such. The problem is that as consumers, we purchase these foods thinking they are good for us, when in reality, we can do without here to read more

Poor circulation in hands: Causes and how to improve it

Poor circulation in the hands can occur when you have poor circulation overall. While most cases of poor circulation have prominent effects on the legs and feet, the hands are not immune. Generalized conditions resulting in poor circulation, such as atherosclerosis or peripheral artery disease, can sometimes lead to poor circulation in the hands. There here to read more

6 reasons for smelly urine

We don’t normally talk about our trips to the bathroom, but we should. Our bowel movements reveal a lot about our health. One thing you should be talking about with your doctor is the smell of your urine. You may not have noticed it because you probably flush fairly quickly, but the next time you here to read more

Antioxidant found to slow signs of aging

Many people are in the pursuit of a more youthful appearance. Because of that, there are many items on the market that claim to restore aging skin, but they usually fall short. However, scientists have found new evidence that a common antioxidant can combat anti-aging effects, and the best part is that the results are here to read more

7 common habits that are harming your vision

You are probably aware that your vision can deteriorate as you age. In fact, you’re probably wearing contacts or glasses right now, or maybe you find yourself squinting a bit to make the words appear clearly. It is known that after the age of 40, your vision begins to take a dive. This is known here to read more


How diet affects PCOS: Foods to eat and avoid

Polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms can be annoying for some women and a serious problem for others. Luckily, many sufferers have discovered that a PCOS diet can help alleviate some of the discomforts. PCOS is a hormonal problem that has an impact on the ovaries and other parts of a woman’s body. It is most common here to read more

Breakthrough treatment for your aching joints

In the U.S., over 30 million adults suffer from the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis. That’s one in every eight adults. Often referred to as “wear and tear” arthritis, the condition commonly affects larger, weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees, but it can manifest in the upper limbs too. Slowly but surely, the here to read more
