Search Results for: arthritis


Older adults prone to making riskier decisions: Study

A recent study has found that older adults are more likely to make riskier decisions than younger adults—results that contradict popular belief. While old age is associated with wisdom, this new research from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has found that older adults are more optimistic about the outcomes of risk-taking thanks to here to read more

Hip pain in women: Causes and pain relief tips

One of the most commonly complained about ailments in older people is hip pain. Depending on how severe your hip pain is and what the cause is, the treatment will vary. By determining the exact location of your hip pain, you’ll be able to better locate the cause. If you are experiencing pain on the here to read more


New painkillers developed without severe side effects

A new form of painkillers has been developed by researchers from Charite – Universitatsmedizin Berlin that has been found to relieve pain without the potentially dangerous side effects associated with opioid use. Opioids are commonly used to treat pain linked to tissue damage and inflammation that is often caused by surgery, nerve damage, arthritis, or here to read more

Immune disorders may be linked to increased risk of dementia: Study

A recent study has found an association between autoimmune diseases and a higher risk of developing dementia. Autoimmune diseases cause a person’s immune system to attack their body, and common examples include psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn’s disease. The study revealed that 18 out of 25 different autoimmune diseases studied “showed a statistically significant association here to read more

Ketogenic diet may alleviate gout

Gout sufferers may be able to find relief of painful symptoms by switching to a high-fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet. Gout affects over 8 million Americans and is characterized by pain, inflammation, and even fevers during flare-ups, all symptoms that are caused by the continuous reactivation of the immune system. When urate crystals build up here to read more

Home remedies to soothe your psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes the epidermis to become covered in raised, red, itchy plaques that are spotted with white scales. It most commonly occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp, but may also affect your torso, palms, and the soles of your feet. These plaques are sometimes itchy and painful, and may here to read more
