Search Results for: diabetes


A Few Things You Need to Know About Cholesterol

You’ve surely heard of high cholesterol, but like many Americans, you probably have no idea if you have it. High cholesterol comes with no symptoms, and most don’t learn their levels until they visit a doctor and have it looked at. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nearly 94 million adults here to read more

Body Weight Can Influence Pain Across the Body

Many can rationalize that elevated body mass may promote pain in the lower limbs. After all, your lower body bears the stress of holding you up. But new research associates body mass index, or BMI, with greater pain severity in the knees, feet, and hips, as expected, but also in the hands, in people with here to read more

Sex Can Help Keep You Young

As people get older, they might not have as much sex as they used to. And it’s not that they don’t want to, or they aren’t thinking about it. There seems to be more difficulty turning it into action. Sex offers many health benefits that can be very helpful for older folks, so it might here to read more

How Sleep Deprivation Can Cause Inflammation

When you get sick, bang your toe, or cut your finger, your immune system springs into action. Its job is to neutralize any invaders and help restore health. It does this by activating white blood cells, which release cytokines and other inflammatory molecules that simultaneously launch the offensive and defend your healthy tissue. When this here to read more


Worrying May Harm Your Heart

There’s no doubt that too much worrying can take a toll on your mental health. But new research suggests it can tax your physical health, too. Particularly your heart. A recent study found that when middle-aged men worry too much, they are at a higher risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, or suffering a stroke here to read more

Does Snoring Equal Sleep Apnea?

If you snore, you’re not alone. The American Sleep Apnea Foundation estimates that you’re in the company of about 90 million Americans. Most probably don’t even know it, and the most serious consequence is dealing with a tired, irritable partner the next day. Snoring doesn’t immediately mean you have sleep apnea. If you’re waking up here to read more

Snow Shoveling Safety Tips

There have been some big snow dumps this year. Extreme weather patterns have hit traditionally snowy areas with larger volumes, while parts of the country that rarely see snow have been buried. A winter wonderland may look great and even feel special for a brief period. But it can also wreak havoc and pose a here to read more

Leg Pain Causes and Treatments

Your lower extremities put up with a lot of pressure; they carry you around all day. Leg pain can make the most simplistic and natural movements, like walking, seem like a real challenge. If you’re experiencing leg pain, it could be coming from several causes. Let’s take a look at why your legs might be here to read more
