Search Results for: calories


Triglyceride levels in postmenopausal women may predict ischemic stroke risk more accurately than cholesterol

Triglyceride levels in postmenopausal women may predict ischemic stroke risk more accurately than cholesterol. The study uncovered that common risk factors such as high cholesterol are not as effective in predicting the risk of stroke in postmenopausal women. The researchers suggest focusing on triglyceride levels instead for a more accurate risk estimate. Lead author Jeffrey here to read more

Causes of low HDL cholesterol levels

HDL cholesterol is known as the good type of cholesterol, as it clears up LDL (bad) cholesterol and works to lower your risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. When HDL cholesterol is low, your heart disease risk goes up because of LDL cholesterol buildup in the arteries, which makes them stiff and clogged, here to read more

How to lower triglycerides naturally

Triglycerides are a type of fat converted from any excess calories we do not immediately use. Mainly derived from fat and carbohydrates we eat, triglyceride stocks are used for energy in-between the meals, but when we take in more than we burn up, that’s when the problem arises. Although cholesterol and fat are essential for here to read more


4 snacks that are good for your heart

Finding a healthy snack can be a challenge. Especially when that 3 p.m. snack craving strikes, and you almost inevitably find yourself reaching for something junky. A guilty pleasure once in a while is fine, but unhealthy snacking on a regular basis could have a long-term impact on your health – and your heart health, here to read more

Americans buy junk food primarily at grocery stores

A new study has found that Americans are buying junk food primarily from grocery stores and supermarkets. The findings challenge the previously held belief that many Americans buy junk food due to scarcity of grocery stores in their neighborhood and limited access to healthy food. In reality, despite having access to healthy food options, Americans here to read more

HDL “good” cholesterol improves blood glucose levels by enhancing skeletal muscle function and reducing obesity: Study

HDL “good” cholesterol improves blood glucose levels by enhancing skeletal muscle function and reducing obesity. Rates of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease are higher among type 2 diabetics, and one of the strongest predictors of cardiovascular disease in these patients is low circulating levels of HDL cholesterol. The researchers determined that HDL cholesterol levels must be improved here to read more

Many American children fall short on heart health

Many American children fall short on heart health, according to new findings. The researchers analyzed data from 2007-2008 from federal government surveys and found that nearly 91 percent of children did not have healthy diets. Children aged two to 19 got majority of their calories from simple carbohydrates such as sugary beverages and desserts. Author here to read more

Elevated cholesterol, triglycerides increase prostate cancer recurrence risk: Study

Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides increase prostate cancer recurrence risk, according to research. Researcher Emma Allott said, “While laboratory studies support an important role for cholesterol in prostate cancer, population-based evidence linking cholesterol and prostate cancer is mixed. Understanding associations between obesity, cholesterol, and prostate cancer is important, given that cholesterol levels are readily modifiable with here to read more
