Search Results for: Health


Spending Time with Grandkids May Increase Longevity

If you’ve got grandkids, it could do some good to take part in their lives. A solid relationship with grandchildren appears to increase health and longevity. Your children may have pointed out that since you became a grandparent, there’s been a twinkle in your eye that they certainly did not see growing up. That might here to read more

The First Step in Combatting Erectile Dysfunction

There used to be this fellow I’d golf with nearly every weekend. If we weren’t playing together, I’d certainly see him around. When he was missing one weekend, it definitely raised some eyebrows because if he was heading out of town or had prior commitments, he’d notify the group. When he re-emerged from his disappearance, here to read more

Is Red Meat Dangerous?

The red meat battle is an interesting and often tiring ordeal. But despite recommendations from some major players, there is a large and growing contingent of doctors and organizations that are challenging the widely held perception that red meat is dangerous. Several studies over the past decades have indicated a strong association between red meat here to read more

Diet Doesn’t Matter: Food Choices Do

It seems that regardless of what kind of health condition you’re trying to manage or prevent, a healthy diet is always central. Heart-healthy, joint health, vein health, cholesterol, and brain health can all be enhanced or ruined by eating. For a lot of these conditions, you’ve heard the best way to eat is probably the here to read more

An Action Plan to Reduce Blood Pressure

The other week, an interesting study came out. To tell you the truth, it’s a bit of a doozy. The good news is that over the past two decades, deaths from heart disease has declined. But that has slowed down big-time since 2010. The reason, according to researchers, is that conditions like type-2 diabetes, obesity, here to read more

Is Your Forgetfulness Normal?

Let’s face it: some things aren’t that important. Even people’s names just aren’t going to stick in your head. And that’s completely normal. Just because you’ve been called forgetful a few times or have a hard time recalling the occasional tidbit does not mean you need to panic. Memory lapses are normal. That’s not to here to read more


How Many Push-Ups Can You Do?

If you’re interested in stronger muscles, better cardiovascular health, and improved body composition, you may not have to look much further than the floor. How many push-ups you could do used to be more about bragging rights than health benefits. But push-ups have a lot to offer and say a lot about your health. Including here to read more

Is Black Rice the Superfood You Need to Try?

Blueberries don’t have a thing on black rice. Did I say black rice? You bet I did. Rice isn’t just red, white, or brown. Black rice exists too. Long called the “forbidden rice” or “emperor’s rice,” it’s a much less common form of rice that’s growing in popularity. Its nicknames come from a long history, here to read more

The Do’s and Don’ts of Ear Care

Most people start and end the day by brushing their teeth. When they head outside on a sunny day, UV-protective sunglasses or a hat are part of the uniform to battle harmful sun rays. But really, what do most people do for their ears? Ears are often forgotten until a problem is recognized. Maybe it’s here to read more
