Search Results for: Health


A Few Fixes for Sciatica Pain

Sciatica hurts. It hits out of nowhere and can lead to paralyzing pain, leaving you with a big struggle to walk, live, and do the things you want. It’s a common type of pain, but also highly misunderstood. Up to 40% of people will experience it at some point. However, many choose to lump it here to read more

Is Dementia Destined in Old Age?

Things start happening when you get old, right? Maybe there’s a little weight gain, some grey hair, or the occasional “senior moment” memory lapse. But does that mean you’re destined for dementia? Absolutely not! But I understand if you believe that dementia comes with age. A new study indicates that two-thirds of people believe dementia here to read more

Can You Get Too Much of a Good Thing?

Vitamins are healthy, and you need them to survive. But sometimes, you can get too much of a particular vitamin or mineral, and it can lead to health problems. Vitamin toxicity is the opposite of a vitamin deficiency. You surely hear a lot about vitamin deficiencies in America: there are some rather common ones. There here to read more

Stress-Reducing Strategies to Keep Blood Pressure Down

What do you do to keep high blood pressure in check? Exercise more? Yep. Eat a healthier diet? You bet. Lose weight? Sure thing. But one often-overlooked strategy for lowering blood pressure and improving heart health is learning how to effectively manage stress. Feeling stressed or anxious can put added pressure on your heart, which here to read more


Are Your Eyes Getting Tired? Try This

Burning, itchy, and watery eyes are a significant distraction and inconvenience. They might even cause you plenty of stress. Most of the time, however, tired eyes are no big deal. Uncomfortable and irritating, yes, but generally not a signal of more significant problems. In fact, most of the time you can restore comfort in your here to read more

Easy Ways to Boost Protein Intake

Are you eating enough protein? Even if you’re following the recommended guidelines for protein intake, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that you’re still short. Guidelines indicate that about 10 percent of daily calories come from protein, but you should probably be getting way more than that. Especially if you are older or here to read more

Bone-Building Foods

Bone health doesn’t get the respect it deserves. While plenty of attention is paid to skin, hair, heart, and weight, the bones can get lost in the fray. But if you’re a post-menopausal woman, or will be, the state of your bones can have a significant influence on overall health. According to the National Osteoporosis here to read more
