Search Results for: Health


Take Ginger to Tame That Cold

A couple of weeks ago, I was right there with you, weighed down in the dumps by a nasty cold. I just woke up one morning and there it was. Snots, sniffles, and a sore itchy throat. But was I ever lucky. The day before it hit, my wife walked through the door with some here to read more

A Win for Functional Medicine

Functional medicine gets called a lot of things. One of my favorites is “quackery.” And I’ll even admit that some functional claims and techniques may be slightly questionable, but others can be very helpful—especially when it comes to improving quality of life. Functional medicine is guided by the idea that various factors both work for here to read more

A Must-Read If You’re Taking Blood Pressure Medication

If you’re doing everything you can for a healthier heart but are still taking blood pressure medication, you need to read this. It’s true that a more active lifestyle, anti-inflammatory diet, and other factors can all help make your heart healthier. These interventions can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and slash the risk of a here to read more

Natural Steps to Keep Your Brain Humming

In mid-October, a biotechnology company called Biogen claimed it has produced a drug that can slow down cognitive decline and the onset of Alzheimer’s. The product still needs to undergo FDA approval and is unlikely to be available—if it is approved—for at least two years. That’s pretty cool news. Unfortunately, news of new drugs isn’t here to read more

Slowing Down Cellular Aging

Sometimes you’re not as old as the numbers you’ve been assigned may indicate. Other times, you can be older. The truth is that you’ve got two ages: your chronological and your biological. You can see your chronological age each time you look at the calendar, but your biological age can be a bit harder to here to read more


Using the Weather to Manage Pain

Could you use the weekly weather forecast to manage pain? A new study suggests you can. Researchers at the University of Manchester in the UK found that pain was enhanced on humid, windy, or cold days. All of the participants suffered from some sort of chronic pain condition. The revelation may prove to be a here to read more

Jimmy Carter Recovering from a Recent Fall

On October 21, former President Jimmy Carter fell at his home, resulting in a slight pelvic fracture. Carter, 95, is the oldest living president and is reportedly recovering well in hospital. Falls can affect anybody, but older Americans are at increased risk. For example, reports are that Carter has fallen twice this month. And although here to read more

Low on Energy? Habits to Help You Wake Up Energized

We all have those days where it seems like getting up-and-at-it is an insurmountable challenge. But if it’s a routine feeling, then something’s got to change. Sluggishness in the morning can translate to less energy throughout the day and an inability to ever really get going and feel your best. Feeling more energized is something here to read more
