Search Results for: Health


Cooking Techniques to Limit Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a big-time risk factor for heart disease. When cholesterol accumulates inside your veins and arteries (called atherosclerosis), it raises blood pressure and puts increased pressure on the heart to pump blood. When your heart has a hard time pumping blood, it can lead to a bunch of problems. Not only does it here to read more

Do You Need a Hearing Test?

You probably don’t spend too much time thinking about the wonders of your ears. Until, of course, hearing is impaired. Ears are pretty impressive. They allow you to distinguish between the sound of a saxophone and a flute without even thinking. They tell you if a sound is near or far and allow you to here to read more

The Only Three Things You Need for A Detox

Quick: What do you need for a “detox?” You might think you need a really restrictive diet, a whole bunch of teas and juices, and an endless supply or closely regimented supplements. That’s what a lot of programs suggest, after all. But the truth is you need none of them. In fact, by using a here to read more

