Search Results for: calories


Eat these foods for better health

According to Ann Wigmore, a holistic health practitioner and raw food advocate, food can be the safest and most powerful form of medicine—or the deadliest poison. Without a doubt, what we eat has a great impact on our health, as all the substances ingested into our system end up in our bloodstream and, sooner or here to read more

Secret to good gut health

What once was the body’s most ignored organ is now in the limelight, and for a good reason: it does much more than simply digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste products. Studies reveal the gut’s significant contribution to our body’s immune responses, and the brain-gut connection is one of the fastest growing areas of here to read more

Foods that lower triglycerides naturally

Having high triglyceride levels is often part of the criteria when diagnosing high cholesterol, and it also plays a role in cardiovascular disease and strokes. Keeping triglyceride levels down in our blood stream may require the use of pharmaceutical medication, exposing you to the annoying and potentially harmful side effects. Thankfully, there is a natural here to read more

High cholesterol? Try these simple fixes

When you were young, chances are, cholesterol was the last thing on your mind. You may have seen your cholesterol numbers on your blood work results, but unless there was a cause for concern, your doctor might have never discussed your cholesterol levels with you. But as you get older, there are more and more here to read more


Getting your protein needs met

A balanced diet is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Eat right and your body will run on full all day long. Food is your fuel, your source of essential vitamins and nutrients, and it supports your bodily functions and keeps you strong. Speaking of strength, of course, we cannot ignore the here to read more

Homecooked meals promote health and wealth

Eating out at your favorite restaurant or ordering takeout can be an enjoyable experience as it saves us time and mess. But this convenience comes with a hefty price tag to both our wallet and our health. It is estimated that Americans spend about half of their food dollars on meals consumed outside the home, here to read more

Eat this, get more energy

Spring is a time of renewal and awakening—it is the season for clearing up the cobwebs and paving the way for new beginnings. No wonder we tend to make more plans and try to be more active—there’s so much to do. But this is where the problem arises: we won’t have enough energy to fuel here to read more

Eat like this to stay healthy in old age

There is a famous quote that says “Eat to live but don’t live to eat.” Or shall we go one step further and say “Eat well to live well?” While choosing healthy foods is a smart thing to do at any age, eating healthy takes on even greater importance as you grow older and become here to read more

High energy foods for men’s health

We’ve all had those days where we wake up and just don’t feel restored. Exhaustion and fatigue kick in, and we are sluggish for the rest of the day. While this can be caused by factors like genetics and old age, there is one contributing factor that you do have the power to control: diet. here to read more
