Search Results for: weight loss


Take This Approach to Reduce Sugar Intake

Change is hard… especially when you’re trying to eat less sugar. Let’s face it—the stuff tastes good. It might make virtually everything you enjoy taste a little better. That’s the whole point of it. It’s why it’s so hard to stop eating sugar. Sugar was supposed to be a treat—something you’d consume on occasion in here to read more

Reverse Your Brain Age with These Foods

They’re right when they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Why aren’t more people thinking about it when they eat? Your brain age is affected by the food choices you make. Certain things can enhance and extend memory, while others can speed up its decline. In some cases, food choices can turn here to read more

Tips to Help You Cope with an Enlarged Prostate

It’s natural for your prostate to grow. Likely unbeknownst to you, a man’s prostate starts growing when he hits 25. It isn’t until much later, however, that it might begin to affect lifestyle. And it can be really stressful. Natural prostate growth is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A Harvard report suggests that 50-60 percent here to read more

New Study Identifies Alzheimer’s Risk Factors

Dementia is a scary condition. Alzheimer’s prevention strategies are not well understood, and as the leading type of dementia, it is an increasing cause for concern. According to the Alzheimer’s association, it already affects five million Americans over 65. That number is expected to triple by 2050. So, if Alzheimer’s isn’t a pressing concern now, here to read more

Working Off COVID-19’s COVID-15

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going anywhere, and it’s probably already changed your life more than you expected. Outside of the threat of catching the virus, the pandemic has led to mental health issues and more. Another one of its side effects is weight gain. There is no denying that the pandemic has changed how we here to read more

How to Keep Testosterone High In Lockdown

If you were regularly going to the gym before going into lockdown, you’re likely feeling pretty different these days. Although very useful, bodyweight exercises or bands don’t have the same feel as iron. Resistance training and muscle mass are critical to testosterone levels, especially with age. Testosterone naturally drops with age, and a sedentary lifestyle here to read more


Activity May Play a Role in Sleep Apnea Risk

Are you groggy and tired even though you think you’ve had a good sleep? If that’s the case, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common sleep-related breathing problem. It leaves sufferers unconsciously gasping for air during sleep, making it nearly impossible to achieve quality sleep. The condition is associated with high blood here to read more

What to Do When Dieting Goes Wrong

People diet for a lot of reasons. Some for aesthetic purposes, while others are trying to get an existing health condition under control. But results often fizzle out, if they occur at all. So, what are you supposed to do? Stop dieting. Seriously. Diets can feel good at the start. Maybe you’ve decided to limit here to read more

Don’t Try Hydroxychloroquine

Since the COVID-19 pandemic overtook America, there has been one constant: The President’s unwavering belief in a malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine to treat the condition. He even reported taking a two-week cycle of the drug, against doctor’s recommendations, to protect himself after White House staffers fell ill. There is no evidence the drug helps with here to read more

Why Should You Care about Cholesterol?

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about cholesterol and the importance of keeping it in check. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, making it harder for your heart to pump blood. This may lead to increases in blood pressure and a higher risk of a heart attack. When blood can’t move easily through blood vessels here to read more

Controlling a Massive Contributor to Joint Pain

There is no denying the association between weight and joint pain. The heavier you are, the more pressure there is on your joints, particularly in the lower body. People with existing musculoskeletal disorders, like arthritis, feel it even worse. It’s a tricky relationship. There is plenty of data to suggest that moving more, which will here to read more
