Search Results for: Health


Don’t Let the Threat of Arthritis Hold You Back

For whatever reason, people tend to believe that using your body will eventually lead it into disrepair. But the opposite is true: using your body keeps your joints and the rest of you healthy. Jogging or walking, for example, are unlikely to increase the risk for knee arthritis. Running is indeed an expensive past-time — here to read more

Pandemic Sitting Might Be Adding to Anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic may go down as sitting’s golden age. Millions of people traded in commuting for a short trip between rooms. They also stopped going to the gym, community center, playing sports, and countless other activities. Impacts on physical health are relatively easy to understand: less movement can lead to weight gain, weaker muscles here to read more

Are Protein Shakes Worth It?

Protein shakes are a quick and convenient way to get some extra protein for your muscles. But are they worth the money? If you’re 60 or older, I’d say absolutely yes. The reason is that despite the fact that protein shakes are about as ultra-processed a food as you can get, they offer a significant here to read more

Snacking to Manage Blood Sugar

“Snacking” has a bad reputation, but it really shouldn’t. After all, it’s not synonymous with junk food. Cookies, chips, and chocolate bars might have stolen the spotlight, but they are not the only snacks out there. Snacking can be healthy. If you have type-2 diabetes or prediabetes, snacks can be essential in helping you manage here to read more


Be On the Lookout for Seasonal Mood Changes

If you’ve been feeling a little lazy, unenergized, or down in the dumps the past week or so, it might have a little something to do with the time change last week. When it gets dark earlier, it can zap energy and sink the mood of people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. here to read more

Breathing Techniques to Help Calm Your Nerves

Some people simply can’t get into meditation and have no desire to learn. If you can’t fully shut your brain down or get bored trying to practice mindfulness or meditation, trust me, you’re not alone. But that doesn’t mean you can’t calm anxieties or combat your stress by slowing down. There’s a reason why people here to read more

Your Favorite Chair Could Be Ruining Your Bones

Sitting down harms you. It’s strange to think that something so common could be so detrimental to your health, but study after study highlights the dangers of extended sitting. Whether it’s weight gain, poor heart health, mood troubles, or muscle atrophy, spending too much time on your keester can mess up your health. Sitting may here to read more

Warm Up Before Working Out, Stretch After

If your joints start hurting while you’re working out, it’s best to stop and take another approach. Joint pain is never good during exercise, and it can signify two things: potential injury or the fact that your body isn’t quite ready for it. This may be of particular interest as temperatures begin to drop. Warming here to read more
