Search Results for: flu


Hip pain in women: Causes and pain relief tips

One of the most commonly complained about ailments in older people is hip pain. Depending on how severe your hip pain is and what the cause is, the treatment will vary. By determining the exact location of your hip pain, you’ll be able to better locate the cause. If you are experiencing pain on the here to read more

5 food groups to feed your brain

A new restaurant has opened in New York City that is taking the idea of “brain food” to the next level. The eatery consulted and went into business with Dr. Alon Seifan – a neurologist specializing in aging and dementia – and serves up meals that consist of only five food groups: fruits, vegetables, legumes, here to read more


Managing mood swings in women

Mood swings in women are most commonly attributed to a hormone imbalance that occurs as you age, which can cause irritability as well as inappropriate emotional responses to stimuli in the form of an event or occurrence. This term also describes how an individual’s mood may shift between extremes rapidly—for example, going from excited and here to read more

7 possible causes of sensitive teeth

Having sensitive teeth can make something as simple as enjoying a cool glass of water a painful ordeal. To help you avoid this uncomfortable feeling, we’ve listed seven of the most common causes of sensitive teeth—avoid these behaviors and you may once again be able to enjoy a bowl of ice cream without worrying about here to read more
