Causes of Borborygmi (Bubble Guts) & How to Get Rid of It

bubble gutsBubble guts, also called bubbly guts, is a term we don’t hear too often. But it’s an actual condition from which millions of people suffer.

Medically known as borborygmi or peristalsis, bubble guts refers to the rumbling and/or growling sounds that the digestive system makes. This abdominal condition is not only intriguing, but it can also be uncomfortable.


Most people have experienced a bubbling sound in their abdomen at some point, as the digestion and assimilation of food aren’t silent. In fact, some sound is produced during this process, indicating that the gastrointestinal tract is active.

These gastrointestinal sounds are usually rather subtle. But when the noise is excessive or loud, it could be bubble guts, a symptom of some underlying condition.

So, read on as we offer up some suggestions on how to get rid of bubble guts. But first, let’s discuss the causes of having too much gas in your intestinal tract.

What Are the Causes of Bubble Guts?

The sounds that come with bubble guts can last for just a few minutes or for hours. The noise coming from the stomach is produced by fluids, gases, and peristaltic movement of the intestines. But the causes of bubble guts can be due to many different factors.

For instance, excess amounts of fluid in the gut can lead to a bubbling sound, which indicates too much gas accumulating in the intestines. Certain diseases, diarrhea, swallowing too much air, eating certain foods, some medications, and even hormonal changes can cause bubble guts.

Below, we outline some specific conditions that could cause bubble guts.


Foods such as seeds, beans, eggs, milk, peaches, prunes, cabbage, onions, and carbonated drinks can produce excess gas in the gut. Even fruits, including apples, peaches, pears, and watermelon, can trigger the production of gas,


An increase in peristaltic movement causes diarrhea, leading to higher fluid volume in the intestines. This may result in intestinal contractions that create rumbling sounds in the stomach.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a group of symptoms that occur together, including diarrhea and constipation. As mentioned above, diarrhea results from peristaltic movement in the gut, with intestinal contractions that produce bubbling noises.

Food Poisoning

This foodborne illness occurs when you ingest food or water containing harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, or toxins. Symptoms often include diarrhea, loose stools, cramps, and bubble guts.

Food Staying in the Gut Too Long

When food stays in the gastrointestinal tract too long (a condition called gastropareis or gastric stasis), the colon bacteria break it down further, making it watery. The result of the increased fluids can create noise in the gut.


Digestive irritants, such as coffee, tea, and alcohol, can aggravate the intestinal walls. This causes excessive tract muscle movement that can produce large bubbles and sounds.


Taking drugs like Dulcolax and Miralax or herbal teas that contain senna to induce bowel movements can cause bubbles to form in the abdomen.

Overdoing It on Fiber

While fiber is generally a good thing, too much much of it in one’s diet can cause peristalsis and the production of bubbles. Beans, fresh fruits, carrots, and cucumbers are some “fiber foods” that may cause gut bubbles when consumed in excess.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of disorders known to create pain and swelling in the walls of the intestines. This inflammation can potentially move into the upper part of the abdomen.

IBD refers to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, two long-term chronic conditions. Symptoms can include diarrhea and high fluid volume in the gut.

Excess Gas in the Gut

Too much gas in the gut can be caused by various factors. And as mentioned, one includes consuming certain foods such as seeds, beans, eggs, milk, peaches, prunes, cabbage, onions, and carbonated drinks that produce signifcant amounts of gas.

Swallowing excess air while eating, talking, or yawning also increases gut gas. In addition, the inability to absorb certain carbohydrates fully and changes in gut bacteria can lead to being extra gassy.

In addition to IBD, gastrointestinal conditions like celiac disease, lactose intolerance, gallstones, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause an increase in abdominal gas.

Stomach Flu

Also known as gastroenteritis, this is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines usually resulting from a viral or bacterial infection. It often leads to diarrhea and vomiting, which increases movements and sounds in the gut.

Celiac Disease

This autoimmune disorder affects the small intestine when gluten is consumed. It can lead to a variety of digestive problems, including borborygmi.

Lactose Intolerance

People with lactose intolerance lack the enzyme lactase. This condition makes it difficult to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products, which may result in gas, bloating, and bubble guts.

Treating Bubble Guts

Borborygmi can be uncomfortable and embarrassing due to the noise. Fortunately, there is relief available from conventional medicine; the bubble guts treatments below may help address the condition and the symptoms accompanying it:

  • Elimination diet: This method identifies foods that create adverse effects when consumed. By eliminating certain food items for a period and reintroducing them, it’s possible to determine which ones are causing symptoms like bubble guts.
  • Antibiotics: Some people with bubble guts suffer from a bacterial infection that leads to diarrhea. They might be prescribed antibiotics to treat the bacteria while minimizing bubbling.
  • Antimotility drugs: These drugs help reduce contractions of the intestinal tract and can relieve diarrhea and bubble guts. Loperamide is an example of an antimotility drug.
  • Antisecretory drugs: When an excess of fluid in the gut leads to diarrhea and bubbling, antisecretory drugs such as Racecadotril can be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Antiflatulents: Over-the-counter antiflatulents, such as Gas-X, can help eliminate gas from the gut. But it is important to follow the instructions that come with antiflatulents. Do not take more than the recommended dose.

How to Get Rid of Bubble Guts Naturally

Remedying borborygmi doesn’t have to be complicated. First of all, as we have explained, many foods can contribute to a gassy gut, so paying close attention to one’s diet can be helpful.


Below, we’ve listed a few bubble guts home remedies, including dietary modifications:

  • Dietary changes: Avoiding foods that cause excessive gas in your stomach can minimize the chances of bubble gut occurring again. Gas-producing foods like beans, peaches, prunes, and broccoli should be consumed in limited quantities. Refraining from alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated drinks can also be helpful.
  • Chamomile tea: This tea is known to be beneficial to the intestines. It may soothe the stomach and relieve the symptoms of borborygmi.
  • Peppermint tea: Research shows that peppermint tea can tame digestive issues. Many say that it helps with a rumbling and grumbling stomach.
  • Probiotics: Including probiotics in your daily diet can regulate the gut and reduce the formation of gas. Besides probiotic supplements, foods like yogurt, dark chocolate, cultured buttermilk, kefir, and sauerkraut contain “good” bacteria.
  • Chewing: Also called mastication, it is the first step in the digestion process. Taking the time to chew food properly can prevent excess air from getting into the stomach.

The occasional bout of stomach rumbling is nothing to stress over. But when your gut doesn’t stop loudly gurgling and the discomfort becomes unbearable, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue, so it shouldn’t be ignored.

In most situations, there’s a quick fix to treat borborygmi , like the ones we mentioned earlier. But there is always the possibility that you may have a more serious health condition, like an inflammatory problem, which really does require medical attention.


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