Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


Exercise like this for good health

These days, we hear so much about the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). But no matter all the pros to this type of exercise, it’s not advisable for people who lead a largely sedentary lifestyle – and that’s a lot of us. We like our TV time and just relaxing in easy chairs… Generally, those here to read more

10 power foods for your brain

Even as you read this, your brain cells are drenched in a mix of nutrients or toxins that have been absorbed from the food you consumed. It’s extremely important that you increase the nutrients in this mix and reduce the toxins. Because these toxins can, over time, help the formation of plaque in your brain here to read more


Eat your way to healthy digestion

When asked what the secret to happiness is, the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau said, “a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.” How right he is. One can have all the riches in the world, and all the good things that money can buy, but if their digestion is not good, it here to read more
