Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


6 Easy tips to prevent an overactive bladder

Many changes occur as we age. Hair becomes gray, skin becomes looser, and it seems we frequent the bathroom much more often. Although a leaky, overactive bladder is commonly associated with aging, you don’t have to succumb to your aging bladder. An overactive bladder (OAB) occurs when there is a problem with the bladder’s ability here to read more


Is hypnosis a legitimate form of therapy?

If you’ve ever watched hypnosis on TV then you probably know the drill. A “hypnotist” holds a pocket watch on a chain and then begins to swing it from side to side in front of the patient’s face, softly repeating, “You’re getting sleepy, very sleepy,” until the individual is fast asleep. Hypnosis is often mimicked here to read more

Body hair not immune to aging

With aging comes many different changes. Wrinkles begin to show, body fat is harder to lose and there are changes to our own body hair. That’s right, your body hair changes as you get older. Body hair is not a normal topic of conversation, especially for women. It is one of those things that most here to read more
