Search Results for: smoking


Menopause and joint pain: What is the connection?

Joint pain often occurs at the same time as menopause and it affects many women. While there is no clear reason for these achy and swollen joints, some doctors believe it may be due to falling estrogen levels. Estrogen is thought to protect joints and reduce inflammation, and when these levels drop during menopause, inflammation here to read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Although there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, diet can play a role in controlling inflammation and offering relief from symptoms. Ideally, RA patients should eat a well-balanced healthy diet that offers a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins in order to support overall good health. Generally, RA patients are considered to be at a here to read more


9 Possible Reasons for Memory Loss Explained

Our memory is categorized into long-term and short-term. Short-term memory is used for immediate goals such as daily tasks or remembering someone’s name or to send an e-mail. Depending on how important the information in your short-term memory is, it may become part of your long-term memory. As we age, short-term memory can weaken and here to read more

How to Boost Your ‘Good’ Cholesterol

Here at Bel Marra, we often tell you how you can reduce your LDL (bad) cholesterol. But today, we’re going to reveal some ways you can boost your HDL cholesterol levels in order to obtain more of the good cholesterol, so it can remove LDL cholesterol and in turn, reduce your risk of cardiovascular-related disease. here to read more
