Search Results for: soda


Retrain Your Tastebuds to Regulate Blood Sugar

It’s a heck of a lot easier to talk about a healthy diet than consume one. Why? For some, it could come down to food availability. For most, it comes down to preference. Sweet foods tickle people. Candy, beverages, and processed foods that may not even taste sweet can be loaded with sugar. Unfortunately, the here to read more

Sweet Foods That Can Help You Manage Blood Sugar

Cutting sugar from your diet isn’t easy. Cravings kick hard and can be difficult to ignore. Further, it’s lurking in several products that you may never suspect. Although it might be difficult, limiting sugar is an essential component of good health. And if you’re trying to control blood sugar or battling a condition like heart here to read more

Managing Inflammation for Joint Pain

Having a little bit of inflammation from time to time is a good thing. It’s your body’s natural response to injury or infection. But some conditions, like arthritis, activate your immune system regularly, leading to almost constant inflammation. It worsens joint pain and can lead to indiscriminate and intense flare-ups. The result is not only here to read more

The Risk/Reward of a “Healthy” Diet

Plant-based diets can be healthy. They can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol if done properly. They can also substantially increase the risk of a broken bone. Hip, leg, or any other bone, for that matter. A new study published in BMC Medicine found that vegetarians, vegans, and pescatarians (those who eat fish but no here to read more

Food Swaps for Prostate Health

How many times have you asked, “what should I eat for prostate health?” expecting to get a list of foods that can prevent illness? The answer might surprise you. That list doesn’t exist, per se. The notion that food is medicine is certainly popular, but it’s not necessarily truthful. Food is not medicine. It can, here to read more


Take This Approach to Reduce Sugar Intake

Change is hard… especially when you’re trying to eat less sugar. Let’s face it—the stuff tastes good. It might make virtually everything you enjoy taste a little better. That’s the whole point of it. It’s why it’s so hard to stop eating sugar. Sugar was supposed to be a treat—something you’d consume on occasion in here to read more

Kick This Habit If You’re Trying to Manage BPH

I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who just love drinking. I’m not talking about booze, either—just drinks in general. Coffee, water, and tea are staples. Sometimes I’ll treat myself to a cold beer, glass of wine, or lemonade. Either way, I’ve pretty much got a mug, glass, bottle, or can here to read more

How to Eat Less Sugar

You might have no idea how much sugar you’re consuming each day, and that can be extremely dangerous. Cutting down on sugar intake is associated with far better health outcomes and lower risk for all kinds of chronic illnesses. Eating too much added sugar is linked to health risks like heart disease, fatty liver disease, here to read more
