Search Results for: arthritis


12 reasons for pain above right hip

Pain above the right hip can be distressing, and while there is a tendency to jump to conclusions about the cause, there are many cases where people are way off base when it comes to why the pain developed. When we experience pain in any part of our body, it can be scary. If it here to read more

This food can help reduce joint pain

When you think of prunes, you probably think of a food that aids in digestion and keeps you regular. Although this is true, prunes can also benefit another aspect of your health – your joints. A U.S. study explored the benefits of prunes among those with osteoarthritis and found not only did patients experience less here to read more


Is broccoli the new Tylenol?

When it comes to superfoods, broccoli definitely makes the list. Broccoli contains plenty of vitamins including vitamins A, C, and K. It contains 2.6 grams of protein per cup and is low in calories, making it a great item to add to your diet. As for minerals, broccoli contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, here to read more

Pain behind the eyes: Causes and home remedies

Pain behind the eyes can be quite discomforting and sometimes impair your ability to see because it is so severe you may only want to keep your eyes closed. There are many causes for pain behind the eyes, ranging in severity. Knowing what is causing your pain behind the eyes can help you obtain relief here to read more

What is causing a clicking sound when I swallow?

For many people, chewing and swallowing is a simple process that does not produce any cause for concern. But when something is amiss and not performing as it should, we become worried. Our oral cavity is made up of several structures involved in digesting food. Our jaw muscles, tongue, and esophagus all work in concert here to read more
