Search Results for: calories


Protect your skin naturally from the sun

The sun is a great source of vitamin D which is essential to our health. Although the sun is beneficial to us, not practicing safe-sun techniques can have serious consequences like burns and even melanoma. So protecting ourselves when we are out and about allows us to still take in vitamin D without the nasty here to read more

8 Reasons to eat this tropical fruit

We’re all pretty familiar with healthy tropical fruits. From pineapples to mangoes these delicious wonders are not only good, but good for us. But you may be missing out on another tropical fruit which is also offering a boost to your health. Originally grown in Southern China, this superfood can now be found in Hawaii here to read more

FDA trans fat ban and how it affects our health

Your favorite foods are getting a makeover. More so their labels will start to look much differently as well. As you already know food labels reveal to us the nutritional value of food products. It outlines components such as fat content, carbohydrates, sugar and nutrition present. As part of a healthy diet we monitor what here to read more

4 leafy greens better than kale

Leafy greens are the mascot for good health. Salads, sautees or smoothies, we should all be eating them in all their varieties to stay healthy. Kale has been getting the most buzz because of its high nutritional content. It’s packed with vitamins such as C, A and B-6, it also contains iron and magnesium. It’s here to read more

Aspartame vs. Sugar – Is One Any Better?

If you’re focused on weight loss, counting calories may be something that you’re familiar with. In an effort to limit calories, most people cut out fast food and junk food. Many people turn to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame instead of sugar as another way to reduce calories. Which is better – sugar or aspartame? here to read more


Mushrooms: Magical youth elixir?

Magic mushrooms can do some amazing things. No, not just those kind of things! Some do contain natural psychedelic chemicals, but there are many mushrooms whose botanical magic lies in the amazing things they can do for your health. Even celebrities are using mushrooms as an anti-aging secret weapon in creams and facial peels. Sound here to read more

Health benefits of quinoa (keen-wah!)

The buzz surrounding quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Quinoa has been hailed a superfood and for good reason, too. Its high protein and fiber content, along with being gluten-free, has given it quite the star power. What is quinoa? Quinoa, botanically speaking, closely resembles beets and spinach. Often referred to as here to read more

Berries pack a sweet health punch

Colorful, bit-size and oh-so sweet, berries are delicious and highly beneficial. They may be small in size, but berries really pack a punch when it comes to improving your health. And there is a berry out there for everyone, with different textures, flavors and dessert possibilities! Some berry facts: A berry is classified as a here to read more

Plum health benefits: Naturally sweet nutrition

Warmer weather brings in-season fruits and vegetables – and trips to your local farmer’s market are a must. Fruits, in particular, are an integral part of a healthy diet and when they are in season they are that much easier to enjoy. One fruit you should be eating more of is the humble and delicious here to read more
