Search Results for: arthritis


Body Weight Can Influence Pain Across the Body

Many can rationalize that elevated body mass may promote pain in the lower limbs. After all, your lower body bears the stress of holding you up. But new research associates body mass index, or BMI, with greater pain severity in the knees, feet, and hips, as expected, but also in the hands, in people with here to read more

What Can You Do About Your Knee Pain?

The knees, the knees. The knees may have little competition when it comes to the most at-risk joint. Ankles may be slightly more prone to injury, but they always seem way easier to deal with. Perhaps because sore knees hurt more, or the potential for surgery looms large. Even slight pain in the knees can here to read more


Handling That Pain in Your Neck

I get it. Your kids and neighbors can get on your case and be a real pain in the neck. Sometimes real neck pain can hit too. Maybe it even started hurting when you were handling the living, breathing neck pains. Connecting your head and torso is a collection of vertebrae that make up your here to read more

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease

When you head out this summer, pay attention to some unwanted company: ticks. Black-legged ticks, or Deer ticks, can transmit Lyme disease, a potentially serious illness. Ticks hang out in wooded areas and long grass, waiting to catch a ride on your skin. If you pick one up along the way and they bite you, here to read more

Coping With Chronic Inflammation in Your Joints

You’ve probably twisted your ankle, banged your knee, or even felt a little pain in your elbow at some point. The puffiness and redness are part of the healing process, as your body sends its immune system to work to repair the damage. But sometimes the immune system doesn’t shut off and launches an unhealthy here to read more
