Search Results for: oil


Can You Get CoQ10 from Food?

Can you eat your way to more energy? Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is an essential nutrient found in virtually every cell in your body. But with age, the amount you can produce diminishes. Many turn to supplements to fill the void, but can you get CoQ10 from food? Just why are people concerned about CoQ10? here to read more

Diet Tips for People with Joint Pain

Let’s get this out of the way: food won’t cure chronic joint pain caused by conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. But it sure might help you manage it. Being smart with food choices can help control inflammation to reduce the risk of painful arthritic flare-ups in your joints. Of course, the same foods don’t always work here to read more

CBD: Real Pain Relief or Placebo?

How many times have you been asked if you’ve ever tried CBD to relieve your pain? If you’ve answered “no,” I’m sure you’ve been told that you absolutely have to. But is there anything to this? Is CBD really the magic elixir that cures pain and nearly everything else? It’s hard to say. There are here to read more

Using Cholesterol to Reduce Inflammation

Here’s a crazy concept: you may be able to reduce inflammation by increasing cholesterol. Now, why would you want to increase cholesterol? Doesn’t high cholesterol contribute to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and inflammation? It most certainly can. But remember, not all cholesterol is created equal. First, you’ve got low-density lipoprotein—LDL—cholesterol. This is the bad stuff. here to read more


Are There Natural Pain Relievers?

When you experience random aches and pains, you might not want to reach for pills. Instead, you may prefer to keep things a little less intense. Maybe some rest, relaxation, or a natural remedy. Natural remedies may not necessarily work or be that much healthier than over-the-counter pain (OTC) medications. But they can be comforting, here to read more

“Heart Healthy” Doesn’t Mean “Low Fat”

For more than 40 years, organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) and others have recommended low-fat diets. They were wrong. The ripple effects of their recommendation are widely felt today. Food manufacturers replaced fat with refined carbohydrates, and people snacked on things like low-fat cookies, chips, and other sweetened products. Fat-free pasta and bread here to read more

This Is How You Might Be Able to Cure Constipation

Constipation is complex. It’s easy to think it’s all about fiber intake and gut health, but your digestive system is far fickler. Simple changes in your routine like the weather or daylight savings time can throw it for a loop. A weekend getaway can turn into a weekend backup, and the massive routine wrench issued here to read more

Ways to Keep Your Mitochondria Chugging Away

There are lots of organs and internal systems that work to keep you alive and energized. Your liver, heart, lungs, and brain easily come to mind. There’s your metabolism and cardiovascular system. And there are also mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles that are found in every cell in your body, providing the energy they need to here to read more
