If you’ve ever listened to anybody’s heartbeat (including your own), it probably sounded similar to “lub-dub, lub-dub.” A heartbeat—or heart rate—signals life and is a strong indication of health as well.
In a healthy individual, a normal resting heart rate—when they are still and not in motion—should range between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). A lower heart rate is typically seen as being healthier and is more commonly seen in athletes.
The following articles will provide you with information regarding heart rate, how to improve your heart rate, foods that lower heart rate, the differences and similarities between heart rate vs. pulse, bradycardia, and slow heart rate.
Resting heart rate chart: Factors that influence heart rate in elderly
Resting heart rate is a person’s heart rate when they are not performing any physical activity – they are at rest. A normal resting heart rate is between 60 to 100 beats per minute. Essentially, the lower the resting heart rate is the more efficient your heart functions. A low resting heart rate is also a signifier of better cardiovascular fitness. A resting heart rate below 60 bpm is often seen in athletes, and it’s not abnormal for their resting heart rate to be as low as 40.
The good news is, no matter what your resting heart rate is, you can improve it and in turn improve your heart function. Below you will find normal ranges for resting heart rate based on age, the contributing factors for a higher resting heart rate, along with tips on how to improve your resting heart rate. Continue reading…
Natural ways to improve heart rate and get your heart pumping
In order to improve heart rate it is necessary to get the heart pumping which in turn will lead to better heart health. With age we can experience changes in our heart rate; it can become slower, irregular or reveal an underlying heart condition you didn’t know existed. Therefore, it’s important to get our hearts pumping in order to improve our heart rates and overall heart health.
There are many factors aside from age which can affect heart rate: air temperature, body position, body size and medication. To best check your heart rate, place two fingers on your wrist, on the inside of your elbow, on the side of your neck or on the top of your foot. Once you find your heart rate simply count how many beats you feel within 60 seconds. A healthy heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). Continue reading…
Can foods lower heart rate?
Some people have a heart rate that is faster than normal, which can cause high blood pressure or heart failure. However, some foods can lower heart rate and are being recommended more often to those whose heartbeat is rapid.
High heart rate is a condition that is rising among North Americans. When a person’s heartbeat is unexpectedly high, it is called tachycardia. A normal heartbeat count for an adult is about 60 to 100 beats per minute. A heartbeat that goes above 100 can lead to heart complications.
A high heartbeat rate increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. While medications have traditionally been used to treat tachycardia, in recent years, doctors have realized the power of certain foods in helping to keep heart rate under control naturally. Continue reading…
Heart rate vs. pulse: Are they the same or different?
Discussing heart rate vs. pulse can be a confusing when trying to decipher the two. Essentially, they are two separate measurements and indicators of health but are closely related. The heart is a muscular pump that with each heart beat pumps blood throughout the body. A pulse is what you feel over an artery as the pressure increases within it following each heartbeat.
For adults, the general consensus is a normal pulse rate falls into the range of 60 to 100 beats per minute. Having a rate that exceeds this is known as tachycardia – a heart rate that exceeds normal resting rate. Tachycardia may be caused by hypovolemia, rises in body temperature, stress, heart disease, exercise, or even when using certain medication. Continue reading…
Bradycardia (slow heart rate): Causes, symptoms and treatment
The heart rate of healthy adults should be between 60 to 80 beats per minute. If a person’s heartbeat is slower than that, the disorder is called bradycardia.
There are many reasons why a person’s heartbeat may run fast, or slow. For example, adults who regularly exercise will have a slower resting heartbeat. Additionally, seniors are typically prone to a slower heartbeat as aging causes the heart muscles to weaken. Although these reasons are harmless, bradycardia could also signify a more serious condition. If the heart cannot pump a sufficient amount of blood, symptoms and complications may arise. Continue reading…