Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


9 Little Known Ways to Prevent Hearing Loss

“Sorry, can you repeat that?” “Would you mind speaking a little louder?” If you find yourself repeating those phrases to friends and family, you’re probably starting to experience hearing loss. Hearing loss can be a natural part of the aging process, but it doesn’t mean you have to sit back and let it happen. In here to read more

Pseudogout: Causes, symptoms, prevention and gout comparison

You may be wondering, What is pseudogout? Well, you probably have heard of gout, the painful condition that commonly affects the large toe. But pseudogout? While it does sound similar, there are some notable differences. Before we outline the differences between gout and pseudogout, let’s further explain pseudogout, to give you a better understanding. Pseudogout, here to read more

Vasovagal syncope, common cause of fainting, prevented by sniffing and gasping

Vasovagal syncope is a common cause of fainting, yet until now few prevention tools have been suggested for those who experience it. Now there is evidence that suggests simply sniffing and gasping can help people avoid the problem. Dr. Marta Barolarova, a cardiologist from Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Slovak Republic recently presented a study here to read more


4 solutions for failing vision

It’s easy for us to blame just about everything on aging – age means more wrinkles, age means frail bones, and age is stealing our hearing abilities. Sure, getting older has many downsides and is a large contributor to changes in the body, but other factors can contribute to changes as well. You may have here to read more

In ‘paleo sleep’ our ancestors slept less but without sleep disorders

‘Paleo sleep’ consisted of less sleep but did not come with any sleep disorders, unlike today where we’re concerned about getting enough sleep and might now have to take up regular naps. Paleo sleep refers to our ancestors, the hunter-gatherers. In today’s world sleep disorders and sleep deprivation are seen as a global problem, but here to read more

Atherosclerosis plaque rupture, heart attack and stroke risk detecting tool developed

Researchers have developed a tool to identify high risk atherosclerotic plaques, often referred to as inflamed fatty deposits, to help fight cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery disease is the number one killer of Americans, so the new research is welcome news to medical experts trying to help fight cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis is the hardening of the here to read more

Osteoporosis and bone fractures risk: Role of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones. Individuals with osteoporosis experience bone density loss, making bones more fragile and prone to fractures. Osteoporosis typically affects women more than men, but being female isn’t the only risk factor. Other risk factors for osteoporosis include being older in age, being Caucasian or Asian, bone structure, body here to read more

Kidney stones recurrence risk higher with calcium supplements, lower with vitamin D

Calcium supplements increase the risk of kidney stones, but risk lowers with vitamin D. Calcium is known to be a contributing factor in the development of kidney stones, but on the other hand, too little calcium can also contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Calcium oxalate – the culprit behind kidney stones – can here to read more
