The American Red Cross has announced an urgent call for blood donations as there is currently less than a five-day supply of blood available. Nick Gehrig, communications director for Red Cross Blood Services, said in a news release, “The Red Cross continues to have an emergency need for blood and platelet donors to give now and help save patient lives.”
The first call for help was announced in early July and although blood donation levels started to rise, the shortage of blood supply still exists.
The Red Cross explained, “At times, blood and platelets are being distributed to hospitals faster than donations are coming in, which impacts the ability to rebuild the blood supply.”
Gehrig added, “We are grateful for those who have already stepped up this summer to give and want to remind those who are eligible that hospital patients are still counting on them to roll up a sleeve.”
In order to entice people to roll up their sleeves and donate blood, the Red Cross is offering a five-dollar Amazon gift card if they donate blood before August 31.
Blood donations save people’s lives. To find a local donation center in your area, call the Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).