Dear Health eTalk Reader,
I’m Dr. Victor Marchione, and I want to personally thank you for signing up for the Health eTalk newsletter!
At Bel Marra Health, we have a panel of doctors and health experts who will help make the right choices. The panel’s passionate involvement with this newsletter helps us provide you with the latest health news, information and research discoveries. Their recommendations are based on years of study, research and clinical practice.
To make sure that you receive all of this valuable information every time, please follow this simple 3-step process right away:
- Step #1 Copy this email address
- Step #2 Add the address to your contact list. (This will ensure the newsletter comes directly to your inbox). If you need help to do this, CLICK HERE.
- Step #3 Make it a habit to read the newsletter every day.
You can access some of our recently published stories in the Recent Articles section at It’s like having your very own Health Care Team at your fingertips.
Before I sign off, I’d like to remind you that every edition of this newsletter has invaluable health advice. Please read the emails regularly and use the information to move closer to your health goals.