Search Results for: weight loss


Activity May Keep Senior Moments At Bay

What’s good for the heart is good for the brain, so if you want to remember your most heartwarming and precious memories, it’s a good idea to get moving. New research shows that when sedentary adults started to exercise, they had improvements in their ability to recall meaningful moments or events vividly. This type of here to read more

Use Muscles to Stay Strong and Age Better

It’s almost a guarantee that your muscles will shrink and get weaker as you age. The process can actually begin relatively early, too. It’s possible that sarcopenia – age-related muscle loss – can begin at 35, at a rate of 1-2 percent per year. After 60, that can accelerate to 3 percent. Most people take here to read more

Are Protein Shakes Worth It?

Protein shakes are a quick and convenient way to get some extra protein for your muscles. But are they worth the money? If you’re 60 or older, I’d say absolutely yes. The reason is that despite the fact that protein shakes are about as ultra-processed a food as you can get, they offer a significant here to read more

Cases of Deadly Liver Disease Are on the Rise

Most people associate liver disease with alcoholism or hepatitis. In the past, that may have applied. These days, however, obesity is the primary driver of liver disease. And it’s killing people. Advanced fatty liver disease, which is brought on by excessive fat levels in the liver, can boost a person’s risk of dying by seven here to read more

Ways to Optimize Testosterone

Depending on who you are, you may hate testosterone or love it. But no matter your thoughts, men need it. It’s arguable if the hormone causes some men to act a certain way or if it’s used as an excuse for behavior, but it’s a fact that it plays a role in energy levels, strength, here to read more


Why Bone Health Is Important

It’s easy for your bones to get buried when you’re prioritizing overall health. After all, weak bones might not necessarily have the same implications as hypertension, high blood sugar, or dementia. But weak bones can pose a serious health risk. Weak, brittle bones are more likely to fracture under simple duress or low impact, which here to read more

Women: You Might Want to Pay Attention to Your Height

People, and particularly women, shrink as they get older. This shrinkage, however, could lead to an increased risk for heart disease. A recent study from Scandinavia has found that height loss in women is associated with an increased risk of death from heart attacks and stroke. But it mattered how much height loss occurred. Most here to read more

Build Stronger Legs at Home

Don’t take your legs for granted. Your legs are your strongest and largest muscle group, and they are charged with the valuable tasks of carrying you around and keeping you upright. Your mobility and quality of life are riding on them. Spending too much time sedentary, however, can waste that valuable muscle away. Aging, in here to read more

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease

When you head out this summer, pay attention to some unwanted company: ticks. Black-legged ticks, or Deer ticks, can transmit Lyme disease, a potentially serious illness. Ticks hang out in wooded areas and long grass, waiting to catch a ride on your skin. If you pick one up along the way and they bite you, here to read more
