Search Results for: diabetes


Must Know Warning Signs And Risk Factors For Stroke

May is National Stroke Awareness Month, and it’s an excellent opportunity to learn more about the signs and risk factors of the medical condition. By learning more about stroke this month, we can all work to prevent this condition and keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy. A stroke is a medical emergency that can here to read more

How Different Types of Stress Affect Your Body

Are you feeling stressed and don’t even know it? Your body can have all kinds of reactions to stress that move beyond feeling adrenaline or anxiety. Learning how stress affects the body can be a challenge because it can depend on how stressed you are and for how long. For example, research shows that low-to-moderate here to read more

Natural Sleep Aids To Help Keep You Prescription Free

Everyone’s spent a night or two tossing, turning, and struggling to fall and stay asleep. But it can become a problem if it’s happening regularly. Poor sleep is associated with many conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and depression. Many turn to doctors for prescription drugs to help with their sleep woes, here to read more


Strategies For Older Adults to Improve Their Sleep

As you get older, it can become increasingly difficult to maintain a good night’s sleep. With the change in body chemistry and hormones that come with age, falling and staying asleep can be tougher than ever. That’s why improving your sleep is so important – sleep deprivation has been linked to depression, impaired cognitive performance, here to read more
